Welcome to Bill  Jackson's Guestbook

Edward O'Donnell Jr. - 12/17/00 20:44:54
My Email:wardley69@hotmail.com

this is a very nice page bill.

Rev. Johannes Myors - 10/20/00 23:26:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/pprayers
My Email:pprayers@yahoo.com

Shalom. I would like to welcome you to Phenomenal Men of the Web. I would have stopped by earlier in the year but I just got back from a seven month long bicycle tour around the United States. You have a very interesting site. Take care.

Bill Jackson - 09/16/00 21:58:42
My Email:BillyJk@msn.com

Hi......just out of curiosity, I did a search for "Bill Jackson" (slow computer day, I guess?) and your site came up in the list. So, I thought I would drop by........

Jimmy Antonelli - 08/17/00 03:35:46
My Email:jamesa@ccomm.com

great pages bill good job

tammy - 06/25/00 20:47:46
My Email:tamaspohr@yahoo.com

nice website. i must figure out how to do that hehe. well hope to hear from you. your friend tammy

linda ackerman - 06/24/00 18:45:22
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nh/amyboyer20
My Email:almfacv@penn.com

Just in case I have already sent this message, I do apologize..i would not be my intention to bother anyone/.If i am intruding on your space ..sorry..this message needs to get out..i am not sen ing unsolicited mail. I find the emails from signed guest books..to which i will return to enjoy. right now this is my mission..We need to get this out there, and I don't mean to send it twice..Sorry..We the family of Amy Lynn Boyer have dedicated two si es in her honor..we need to prevent any other family from the pain we now find ourselves having to face on a daily bases..please help us help you..your emails and signing the guest book keep us going...this does help us some..always adding info..www.amybo er.org also http://www.angelfire.com/nh/amyboyer20 Don't let this happen again..help us..anything you can do is better than nothing..add our link..add yours to us..help us..also visit www.amyboyer.org and leave a note to amy's mom, my si ter, Helen and her family..Thanks If you wish to be removed from my mailing list hit the reply button and send “Remove”, I will then remove you . thank you God bless you and yours Linda ( a grieving aunt )

kelly - 04/08/00 05:51:00

i like your homepage very much.haha your daughters are beautiful and i can see you have a happy family.the music is good also

Heather - 03/06/00 23:54:38
My Email:quasi54@hotmail.com

great page...wonderful family...

Edward O'Donnell - 03/03/00 22:47:36
My Email:wardley69@hotmail.com

hi bill, it's me Ed, I like your page very much. But most of all the trucker poem.

Oscette - 03/03/00 04:33:59
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Oscette/index.htm
My Email:carolem@epix.net

Bill, I am very impressed with the html on this page as well as the backgrounds..it's fantastic...excellent page!!!!!!

Angela Flaugher - 03/01/00 23:06:48
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/CarpoolLn/bugs_mom/index.html
My Email:Bugstersmom@aol.com

Greetings from Portland, Oregon....You have done a wonderful job and have a beautiful family =)

CYNTHIA - 02/15/00 05:29:29
My Email:Godismypal@aol.com

GREAT JOB! Your a multi talented man Don't let your talents go to waste!

Bonny - 11/03/99 03:42:21
My Email:vws@epix.net

Great site! I feel like I've known you all my life! :)

Ed Ski - 08/18/99 00:57:26
My Email:SKI_ED@hotmail.com

extremly nice family you have .Your poetry page is awsome.A fellow truck driver

Steph - 08/06/99 02:05:39
My Email:ELaube5213@aol.com

Great work..Luv YA...steph

kATHY &FAMILY - 08/05/99 17:14:23

I love your HOMEPAGE you did a great job.You have 3 great kids.Congradulatons

Myra - 08/05/99 15:26:16
My Email:myra7@home.com

Nice homepage there Bill. Glad to see that you took the time to do it. It is very nice. Good for you! Later there friend!

Robin Galkowski - 08/05/99 00:52:28
My Email:radar12@hotmail.com

Awsome big guy

Anna - 08/04/99 17:23:06
My Email:mannacarin@hotmail.com

Bill! I love that homepage and I didn´t know you are an author. I really love the poertry... Good luck with the rest of it! Love ya Anna

Dawnie - 03/18/99 19:43:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/3594
My Email:dawnielou@yahoo.com

Nice job Babe. Love that picture of you.....:-)

Kim - 03/18/99 19:30:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/5078/index.html
My Email:kimerly_66@hotmail.com

Boy Howdy!

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