My Music
My music is an intricate part of my life. I incorporate much of my
living experience into my
This has at times held me at bay for long periods of time while writing
because I am not
the non-conformist that I try to be. I trust my abilities to expand
and explore new horizons with an open mind while remaining basically the
same person, always remembering from what direction I came.
I am Old Country at heart because I was raised with it and the music that
comes from it always tells a story. But the new country is fascinating
with its own form of storytelling and artful compositions which reflect
the times. It seems to me that the new country has combined with
some rock style as the old incorporated the blues.
I do, however country-ish I seem to be, love all types of music and can
enjoy almost any song. Music to me is the language of the universe.
I rather enjoy writing music compositions
a wide variety of styles. I love to experiment.
I believe we have all been given the blessing and right to live from the
day we were conceived, and we have not the right to take that
away from anyone else. I believe we should all take part as a human
responsibility, to insure the welfare of all other people as
well as our own as we would ourselves expect. It is shameful that
we all are not raised with this self sacrificial responsibility. There
are those whom were not fortunate to have the same blessings
life due some terrible event, and we should not look down upon them but
rise them above us with our help, for their hardships are our lessons.
We can learn by them.
Work - I have several ways to be self supporting as I believe it is not enough today to have one interest alone. I incorporate my joy of being creative as well as my love for adventure, with my work. I drive tractor trailer, I am a carpenter, a pipe fitter, and a welder. I am a willing and able person and am proud to sweat for my keep. I shall always find a way to earn an honest living no matter how small that may be.
Gods blessed gift to all of us as we once were to our parents, and the
future of the human race. To be treated with love, kindness, and
giving. To be taught love kindness and giving along with all that
is necessary to pursue a happy existence in harmony with the planet on
which we live. Listen to them, talk with them, teach them respect
and respect them as you would have them respect you. They are in need and
you have the wisdom and knowledge to give.
All children belong to our future and we must all hold ourselves responsible
to them. Those who would harm a child..let them be damned..... Those
who would ignore a child..... let them live in solitude and to those
self righteous people who claim to know more about children , have non,
and pass laws to keep us from teaching children right from wrong without
fear of reprisal,
them be responsible and pay the price for our rampant lawless and out of
control Teens.
The Bible was written and in it were ten commandments! These were
the LAW of god. Laws
written to protect us from harm. Some laws that are protecting our
children today, on essence are destroying their morals by giving them the
right to decide their own destiny when they are still too young to decide
what they will eat for their next meal. For those few Parents who
lost control and would harm their children, we are all paying the price,
because the laws passed to protect those few children, are now preventing
us from proper child rearing causing widespread dysfunctional families
and in return more dysfunctional families... like a disease, it has spread.
The only cure is love and respect.....lets start now!!!!!!!!
- This Nation I have been blessed to live in is a gift from God to me.
It is the only place on earth where one has the right by God and
the men who died for it, to practice whatever religion one may be, vote
for its leaders, carve opportunity to greater levels of life,
speak ones mind. The only nation where the ideal "innocent until
proven guilty" , the term "equal" and the term "free" is attempted
to be standard practice and achieved as close to the truth as humanly
possible. But those freedoms I enjoy are due to shed blood and
hard work and must be protected with the same in order to pass it down
to our children. Nothing is perfect but I'll be damned if I would rather
live anywhere else in the world.
Drugs - The worse disease of mankind, more so than any natural disease, and created by non other than man. Those indulging in and addicted to drugs are weak and in need of tough help. Those who gain by exploiting drug users are of a selfish lowlife lot and need to be abolished less we see our own demise. There is no gain to selfishness in the end result.
- The most fickled thing on the planet earth, I don't claim to understand
them at all
I think it is best left that way. I believe they should have
the right to change their mind whenever they want being how they don't
really know how to make up their minds anyway. But I can
assure you this,
If you show them you love them by your actions, if you are capable of putting your male ego away and letting them know you have feelings, they will be much more receptive to your love