Welcome to my Friends Forever Page

When Love Finds You
Theme Song For WestPac94-95

I would like to dedicate this page to all my friends i have met through out my husbands military career.

Diane: You are one of the dearest friends that I met! Thank you for all the fun times at bowling. I had a blast. I am glad you got involved with the wives club. It is nice to know you are still keeping involved in it. I enjoyed all the outings we all had together.I enjoyed all of our telephone conversations when we were at home feeling blue because we missed our husbands. Just waiting for them to call was a challenge. When they were going to call, where they were, They were usually together. Just as we were. I could always count on you having your camera to snap some photos. (Hopefully the camera had film in it) Ha Ha. You know I love ya. I really miss you with all my heart. I hope someday we can be stationed together again. Being with friends makes the time go by faster waiting for west pac to end. I am glad the wait for you is almost over for this one. Jacob and Amanda are great kids you have done well with them. You were a wonderful friend and I hope this friendship lasts forever. Thanks so much for everything. Diane is in the process of making a homepage. If you would like to view it she would like that.

The Florida White House

Diane and Kevin Whites Homepage

Heidi: I will remember all the times we had while the ship was out to sea. I will always remember those late talks on the telephone so we could both get to sleep. It was always fun to see who's husband would beep through call waiting first when they pulled into port. Than waiting to see if we could get in at the uso to send those mars grams. I especially liked taking all the kids to Pinnacle Peaks. I think thats the name.Nick,Jesse and Victoria are beautiful children. I haven't seen Ben yet in person but by his photo he is a gorgeous child. You have done a great job with them. I know I don't always write i'm not very good when it comes to letters. Lord willing we will see each other once again soon.

Patty and Richard: We met Patty and Richard when we first moved to San Diego. David was about to be stationed aboard the USS RANGER. We lived in some apartments in Imperial Beach CA. We were in the pool and this is where we met the Tiptons. Our kids hit it right off. I eventually started baby sitting for patty. She worked at Super Cuts in San Diego. Richard worked on computers while he was in the Navy. He was offered a good job in the Civilian world doing the same thing so he is now working there. I hope to come in contact with Patty again sometime in our future. She was a great friend. Wonderful to talk to. She was also a contestant on the Price is Right. Didn't get on stage but she said it was fun just as well. Thanks Patty for everything.

Brian and Dannett: David me Brian when he was stationed at Nas Great Lakes. They played baseball together. Dannett and I use to go to yard sales together and it was always fun shopping and going to lunch. Well excluding IHOP I think it was.(poor service.) Brian and Dannett have two very beautiful children. Britt and Brandon. I haven't met Brandon yet but if he is anything like Britt than he is as sweet as can be. Just like their parents. Brian and Dannette thank you for all the fun times we had together. I especially remember the Alan Jackson Concert. What a fun time we had. Thanks again and We will never forget you.

Vickie: I met Vickie when she came to work at Toys R Us for the christmas season last year. We have became very good friends since than. Vickie is a very fun,and energetic person to work with. I have come to know Vickie as one of my very best friends.Vickie's husband is also in the Navy. Vickie is also known as my bingo bud. Vickie has 4 daughters. Valerie,Cassandra,Gina,and Amber. Valerie and Cassandra work at Toys R Us with Vickie and I. They are two of the most responsible and respected teenagers I have ever met. I want to thank Vickie for being there when I needed someone to talk to in time fo need at work when I was frustrated with a co worker or customer. I hope we can keep in touch for a very long time.

Cathy: Thank you for being a good friend and neighbor to me. I will never forget our coffee visits. Tiffany and Daniel are good together. I am glad they found their way to each other. I hope we keep in touch after we move. Cathy's husband is also in the Military. He is in the Army. He does recruiting. He use to be a police officer in Wisconsin.(Cheese Head) haha just kidding. Brittany and Pat are the other two children. Pat is one of Dericks best friends. Brittany is a sweet little girl of the age of 2. She has really cute curls and little chubby cheeks.

Cynda: I work with Cynda at Toys R Us as well. Cynda is another sweetheart. If I ever needed someone to talk to at work she was there as well. I have had some tough times to deal with. I need a shoulder on my sons birthday and the date of his death. It is ironic that this is also the birthday of Cynda's brother who is also a loved one passed on. It makes my day knowing that Cynda and Vicki and Ruth are there when I go to work. I hope we can all stay in touch. It makes it so hard when you are married to someone in the service and you make good friends and have to leave them. This is what the mighty pen and paper are made for. Now adays we have the mighty E-Mail. Thank you Cynda for being such a good friend.

Ruth: It has been a pleasure knowing you. It is fun joking around with you at work. It makes work fun going to. You are a joy to work with. We really missed you when you were out with pnemonia. It just wasn't the same. Plush was a little to be desired too. (haha) Thank you for making work fun.

Nellie, My dear friend Nellie I met in Pensacola Florida. We met while working at Mcdonalds. Our husbands were on the same ship together. She has to be one of the sweetest people I have ever met. We did ceramics together and when we werent working we were there tormenting those that were. Nell and I went through alot together and when it came time to part we had a hard time doing so. There was a time in our lives that we lost contact and now we are back in touch with each other and she is still as sweet as she ever was. Thanks Nell for being there for me when we had the hurricane warnings and every thing else we did together.

Well we are nearing the end of David's career now. He has about 3 years left than he will be done at 20 years. I will take this time to try and sum it all up. 1981-1985 we were in San Diego. It was There where we met. Bob and claudia,Patty,Michelle,Shiela ,Linda,andSarah.David got out of the navy for 8 months at this time. He soon discovered that the military life is what he wanted. In 1986 he reenlisted. We found ourselves in Pensacola Florida. Truly beautiful. It is here where I met.JudySchaffer,Linda Kelley,and Linda Long.WE were in Florida until 1989.From 1989-1992 we were in Memphis TN. It is here where we met Boyd and Lana Fuller,Penny,and Darlene. We also lost our son while we were there. It was a hard thing to deal with. In 1992 we were on our way back to SanDiego. I was unsure of how things would be. I really enjoyed it here. It is here where I met most of the people you have heard about on this page. Heidi Moody,Diane White. Patty Tipton,Candy,Gail,Lei,Sondra,Annette,and members of the CV64 wives club. We left SanDiego in 1996 and were on our way to Chicago. We thought we were going to like it the