HighSchool Friends Photo Album

Here are some photo's of my friends that I hung out with at Thornton High School!(Class of 1982)

If you would like to find some old friends from Your High School here is the site to do it at.
High School Alumni

May 1982 Graduation Day

This is Amber Causey(we met in Junior High)

This is Ambers oldest Child. Ryan,and his new wife April

This is April and her wedding attendants. Ambers two daughter...Tiffany and Brittany are the two tall blondes.

This is Holly Schaefer

This is Anna Schneiderwent(we met in Junior High as well) and her family

This is Anna's family in 1999

This is Tammy Arenas

This is my Skiing bud,Shiela Wright
I miss ya Shiela

Well that is all for now. I hope you enjoyed your visit. I will be updating photos often. Please don't forget to sign the guestbook. The Tournears

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