Mike's Homepage

My Garth Brooks


UPDATED (sorta... I haven't had time to touch any other page... please read below)
Congratulations on surviving another school year! On to the next step... but have a great summer first!

A note to anyone on here: a friend warned me about copyright stuff...
if anything on here is copyrighted, please let me know so I can remove the offending thing before you sue me!
Thank you.

The Garth Page is up and functional!
However, as always, there is HEAVY construction.
Thank you to those of you who have been waiting forever for my page to update, I'm sorry..
school takes priority...
I've been so busy I haven't even had time to pick up his newest release!!!
I really am mad at myself.

Other Country Stars
Deana Carter!

(updated every now and again when I have time)

About Me?

You are the

person to visit me since March 20, 1997.
Thank You!

E-Mail Me! *note* You can NOT get in touch with Garth by this e-mail adress...
I repeat Garth Brooks will NOT get any mail you send ME adressed to him.