June 2,2002

In Matt.16;23: Jesus had been speaking about His impending death and resurrection. And Peter saying to Him, speaking against Him by telling Him it would not happen to Him.

First of all Jesus already knew what was going to be done. and Jesus only knew what the FATHER knew and He always did what the Father said. Not only that, Jesus obeyed all that the Father said. Now the Father said He would die and be resurrected and He was saying and telling this. Now here was another rebuking and putting and doing an offense by not agreeing with what HE Jesus KNEW to be what was true.

Here is how Jesus dealt with Peter; “Get behind Me Satan for you are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but things of of men.”

When we say to people something we know is true and we have no doubts about what we are saying. We know it is from GOD. We know it is going to be. Then we are told it is not true and it will not happen. Then we as human beings can tell them with all confidence we know it to be so and UNDERSTAND just as JESUS did, that these that rebuke the word that comes from God, they are not MINDFUL of the THINGS OF GOD. but only of the things of men.

This is one way of dealing with an offender. Do not argue with them. Nor debate about what God has said, just go on about what is right and do as you do according to God. The Holy Spirit within that guides and leads you.

We must remember that some people are offenders because they really mean to offend. They want to make one angry, or create an argument and bring about discontent in your life, for whatever reason. Most often it is because of their own discontent with themselves and want company in that. Or maybe they see your peace and contentment and are envious of it. Most often they simply want to cause you to become as they are. Full of fleshly lusts and fleshly ways. Because they see in you the righteous, Godly ways. And all ones that know about Jesus and God and have faith in that written word, know that there are those that do not have faith in and deny that very God and Jesus of the Bible which is written of in that Bible. How do you deal with people that are always in disagreement with you, always being argumentive. Never being in agreement with anything you say?

Do NOT COMPLY to their wanting to argue, Do NOT DEBATE about what is an absolute truthful statement. Simply change the subject and talk about something that will not be able to be debated or argued about. If nothing else just bid goodbye with a smile and go on about your business. It serves absolutely no purpose, to become an OFFENSE to them by doing what they are hoping you will do in the first place. Get into an argument that will invariable end with HARD feelings on BOTH SIDES.

May 31,2002

Are The FBI Changes Going To Take Away Our Freedoms?

I have heard about the new ways of the FBI. Just as all should have by now. As expected many are concerned about their rights and freedoms being taken from them. May I say this is not really a concern of mine. I would like very much for all that read this, to come to the realization of God’s word and what we as believers and truster’s having faith in God and His goodness and judgments, believing in and having faith in Our God and creator, we have nothing to fear.

What does God’s word say about governments and the people that are placed there?

In Isaiah 9; 6:&7: For unto us a child is born, (JESUS, EMMANUEL= God with us) Unto us a SON is given (This Jesus is the only begotten Son of God) And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace.(What do we call our heavenly Father? We address Him as all of these at times. This is not something we LOOK for but what we as believers do NOW. ) Of the INCREASE of His government and peace there will be NO END. Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, To order it and establish it with judgment and justice from that time forward, even FOREVER. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.

One should read Daniel 1; 1: --4: asking God to show them the truth and what His word is saying.

Another Scripture ; Romans 13; 1:--7: Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities.

(This does not just mean MINISTERS of your church you belong to or go to. This means also to those who hold offices of authority. Such as POLICEMEN, FIREMEN, LAWYERS, JUDGES, Our leading government officials that are working for us to protect and keep us safe which include the FBI, CIA, and any other persons and officials that God has placed there for to FULFILL and carry out His purposes for HIS KINGDOM that will and is forever.)

For there is no authority except from God., and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinances of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves.

(We most certainly do, bring judgment upon ourselves by the choices we make about doing what is good and right to do.)

For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is GOOD, and you will have praise from the same. For he is God’s minister to you for good. But if you do evil. Be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s minister; an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil.

What exactly are lawyers, policeman, juries, judges, prison guards, wardens of those prisons where ones doing evil and wrong doing are seperated from the rest of us that do good and do not do evil . Think about it. God knew and does know what HE was doing when He created His earth and heaven and His KINGDOM.

Therefore you must be subject, not only because of wrath but also for conscience sake. For because of this you also pay taxes for they are God’s ministers attending continuely to this very thing.

(Without the taxes that our government asks for every day we work, there would be no money to pay the ones that are working for the KINGDOM of GODS HEAVENLY KINGDOM.)

Render therefore to all their due; taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to who customs are due, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor.

I have repeated many times what God has already TOLD us in His word, WE are CLAY VESSELS and HE is the POTTER. God’s promises are always kept. But also what God has said He cannot lie when HE speaks something it will be fulfilled in all cases. God does not lie. GOD gave the first ADAM a choice.and he made his, to eat of the forbidden FRUIT. CHOICE was given, either trust and have faith in and not worry, for all was and would be provided and be with HIM forever and live forever with Him or eat of the forbidden fruit and die.

Because of the first ADAMS choice, God has REDEEMED MANKIND by GIVING HIS only begotten Son Jesus the promised, MESSIAH, Christ that came in the flesh to save the world. We still are told to do a commandment. LOVE GOD. and LOVE OUR NEIGHBOR, believing in our heart that JESUS is who He is and confessing with our mouth. And WE WILL BE SAVED. What happens to ones that do not LOVE GOD, nor LOVE their NEIGHBOR? In many cases someone will end up dead. At the hands of that person that is not having the LOVE of God in them. FOR GOD is LOVE, God is GOOD, BUT if someone hates someone, is angry with someone, is jealous about something or wanting what another has. This is not having the LOVE of NEIGHBOR or having the LOVE OF GOD IN THEM… and WITHOUT GOD IN US WE neither have the KINGDOM OF GOD IN US. WE are lost souls. Lost and separated from GOD. Until we RECEIVE that which HE has sent we cannot be returned and redeemed by what cleanses us and forgives our sinfulness. If we have not the HOLY SPIRIT , God’s Spirit, which is of LOVE and GOODNESS. We will have the Lust of the flesh.

Jesus SAID that when HE WENT AWAY. HE would send the Comforter. That Comforter, is the BAPTISM of the HOLY SPIRIT. Fulfilling the prophecy of John the baptist that one comes greater then him. John baptized with WATER UNTO REPENTANCE. But Jesus Baptizes with the HOLY SPIRIT.

Without JESUS there is no BAPTISM of this HOLY SPIRIT, without Jesus there is no INDWEELING HE in US and we in HIM as JESUS PRAYED for us.

He has already given and taken your sin He has bought and paid for all things that were going to be yours to bear. BUT HE HAS ALREADY BORE THEM!!!!!!! RECEIVE JESUS CHRIST TODAY! Believing in your heart that He is the Son of God and RECEIVE HIS FORGIVENESS that is yours…

If you CHOOSE to receive HIM and all that is yours today. IT is EASY. Just ask Him believing in your heart that He is faithful saying ;

“I believe that you are the Son of God. I am believing that you will keep your promise and BAPTIZE me with Your Holy Spirit. Please come into my heart and give me peace and rest. Guiding and leading me all the days of my life.”

If you have Chosen to receive Him, I would appreciate hearing from you. Being there to help in any way I am able to in your new found faith and walk with the HOLY SPIRIT.

You may E-Mail me at the address below. Below Is a posting I answered to on a messege board I frequent. I have not titled it and am not giving any names to the party that I answered.

May 29,2002

Who really knows where we come from?

! I know where I come from, so do all people that walk this earth. Some have just been DECIEVED into believing other things. BY that one (LUCIFER, the ANGEL that wanted to be GOD) which has been cast out of heaven long ago by GOD. John 12; 31: "Now the Judgment of this world; now the ruler of this world (SATAN) will be cast out." A REASON one should READ the BOOK that was LEFT for us by HIM who CREATED US..GOD ALMIGHTY, had the BOOK the HOLY SCRIPTURES written BY those that KNEW and FEARED the LORD, so that we would have something to bring us to rememberance and KNOW ALL THINGS..THAT BOOK is what WE HAVE today called the HOLY BIBLE. OF course if one denies that which came to us from God to teach us and show us all things then I suppose one will continue asking questions of others and never getting the answers their HEART is desireing.. FOR the HEART knows what is there and CONTINUES to desire what IT is missing. and that is the HOLY SPIRIT that has been seperated by OUR SIN!!!!!!!!

It is silly to speculate but it is fun to dream. >>

YOUR RIGHT!! it is silly and foolish to speculate about ones future and wonder what is after this life as we know it.. WHEN all the answers are right before you, and one does not trust in faith to believe what is written for us. TO BRING us BACK in that place where we have been seperated from ..OUR FATHER

I try not to close my mind to any one "belief" and embrance them all with the curiosity of ideology and dreaming of a more knowledgeable and meaningful way of life.>>>

It is fine, not to close off ones mind, to all that is outside the KINGDOM OF GOD. BUT one must be very careful while they are outside the kingdom. while they are wandering around going to and fro, trying to find what they are looking for. FOR OUTSIDE the KINGDOM OF GOD,,, are RAVENIST WOLVES, MURDERS, THIEVES, and many more things of evil intent. THAT will do all they can, to KEEP the ONES SEARCHING for that way BACK, from where they have come from.. WE ALL have been PUT on this EARTH BY GOD. BECAUSE from the VERY BEGINNING WE WERE WITH HIM... BUT when SIN CAME UPON MAN. WE WERE SEPERATED from OUR FATHER GOD. SOME of us have FOUND that KINGDOM of GOD> and some OF US are still wandering around seaching for it... BUT IT is very near. EVEN IN YOUR MOUTH... all you have to do is RECIEVE that which has come... THE ones that have found it and have come to it are here to help all those that are still lost out here. BUT, as JESUS used the SHEEP as a symbol so I also do now.. SHEEP are very dumb and INNOCENT... THEY cannot in any way protect themselves from the dangers of the wild.. WHY DO all SHEEP HERDS have SHEPHERDS??????? because WITHOUT A SHEPHERD to lead and GUIDE them they get LOST!!!!!!!! ALL of us have and are JUST LIKE SHEEP that is why JESUS chose them as a symbol.. TO DREAM is good.. as long as the dream is from the right spirit.

Sometimes I wonder if we are just products of the elements, and if we are recycled.

OF COURSE WE ARE!!!!! GOD MADE US from the GROUND the EARTH.. WE are EARTHEN VESSELS BUT before we were earthen vessels we were in His mind. One cannot make anything without a VISION of what it will be like. BUT GOD made us LIKE HIM.... and what is GOD????? an UNSEEN HOLY SPIRIT... GOD IS LOVE... GOD IS GOOD..... KIND......WITHOUT SIN...... and it is that SIN that is..... that has SEPERATED US from HIM in the first place. WHAT is GROUND??? without water it is DUST. add water and you have CLAY. YOU cannot have water without HYDROGEN and OXYGEN. and all of this and the DUST all put together has what ??? ELEMENTS of IRON, MINIERALS, of all kinds.. some we have yet to discover I would imagine...THIS BODY we possess that is of the earth could never live and survive without all that GOD has created... BUT what is that ONE thing that survive without all that GOD has created... BUT what is that ONE thing that GOD gave us that actually gave us LIFE?? what is it that is the REAL US?? what is it that WE HAVE to have FROM GOD in order to BE a LIVING BREATHING , SOUL??? IS it THE OXYGEN we BREATH??? without it we CANNOT LIVE... IS it the HYDROGEN? Is it the WATER? is it the minerials and all the other elements?? IT is ALL OF THESE.... and HYDROGEN, OXYGEN, creates the MOISTER (WATER) to make the CLAY MOLD.. which has all the MINERIALS and elements of the EARTH, GROUND, DIRT, in it.. BUT it is absolutely NOTHING at all TILL that BREATH OF LIFE is BREATHED INTO US... so WHAT is THE BREATH of LIFE???? WHO and what IS that ONE TREE OF LIFE,, That TREE OF LIFE that was GUARDED at the EAST GATE of EDEN BY the CHERUBIM. MUST REMEMBER that God PUT MAN out of the GARDEN. WHAT did JESUS say HE WAS? BREAD OF LIFE, HE SAYS EAT of this BREAD.and drink of this WATER. A TREE has fruit. even the oak tree has fruit all trees have fruit it is the seed that makes more trees... IN GENESIS that tree was a symbol of JESUS... OH there is so much to this GARDEN and the things that were and are there...

I wonder why all religions have an underlying hatred embedded within them in the form of intolerance.

UNDERLYING HATRED.... BECAUSE.. of the TWO SONS... from the very beginning there were TWO there was GOD the FATHER. and there was a ANGEL that was to be the MOST beautiful angel and be head over all other angels... BUT this BEAUTIFUL angel wanted the whole thing.. He became an angel of "I WILL" INSTEAD of GOD'S WILL. then from that you get TWO sons of MAN ONE EVIL and one GOOD CAIN, ABEL, and from then on you have GOOD and evil up to this very day.. and SOMEWHERE along the way there was an ABRAHAM Who was HEBREW ( The FATHER OF NATIONS) that BEGAT, an ISAAC, that was the PROMISED son that begat JACOB (renamed ISRAEL) A nation a people JEWISH a PROMISED people and Blessed people OF GOD. Given LAND and an ISHMAEL (that was an OUTCAST son) that was a DECENDANT of HAGAR the EGYPTIAN woman. and ISHMAEL was also a NATION of PEOPLES. and was Given LANDS. Notice the Mix of HEBREW and EGYPTION the JEW and which is the nation of people that have forever been at war with the OTHER nation EGYPT all that are NOT JEW are called GENTILES and back then were HEATHEN NATIONS. do some investigating of the BOOK that God has left you and me and all of us and you will see the LINAGE and what we have today is the beginning of the end of it all.. as GOD CREATED the end from the very beginning..

I sometimes wonder if long, long ago religion was made by leaders to control the masses because religion seems so imperfect.

RELIGION!!! is a BELIEF in and a FAITH IN SOMETHING...IT has many GODS. and there are many RELIGIONS in this WORLD we INHABIT.. and MOST are NOT what they are said to be. THEY are filled with LIES and DECIETFULNESS... BUT there is a , a FAITH a BELIEF and A GOD that is TRUE , RIGHT, UNYEILDING, and HE will be forever KING over all HIS KINGDOM. and HE already is KING over HIS KINGDOM. HE already has authority over all that HE has CREATED. and all will YEILD and BOW to HIM someday... IN HIS day OF RECKONING. and WE ALL will GIVE an ACCOUNT TO HIM.. For what we have DONE while we WERE WALKING on this EARTH which is HIS FOOTSTOOL. That BELIEF. that FAITH That "RELIGION" is CHRISTIANITY because it is a BELIEF in that which GOD SENT. CHRIST JESUS, THE WORD, which is GOD the WORD, MADE FLESH. to DIE ONCE FOR ALL THE WORLD. SO WE may LIVE. To SHED HIS BLOOD so all SIN would be WASHED OFF US.HE ROSE again and LIVES and REIGNS today... IN the HEARTS of EVERY BELIEVER, FAITHFUL, FOLLOWER OF HIM. JESUS CHRIST. and HE is KING OF HIS KINGDOM. and RULER IN IT. and all that are IN THE WORLD outside HIS KINGDOM all those ones that are still wandering around in that vast darkness of not KNOWING who they are, where they came from, or where they are going, are welcome to COME into the KINGDOM whenever they can FIND IT.. BUT IT can ONLY BE FOUND BY FOLLOWING the LIGHT.. that came into the WORLD in the FIRST place... and that LIGHT is JESUS CHRIST

I wonder how we could have evolved from apes although this theory seems more scientifically natural than that of a God who created a man and a woman and placed them in a garden with an "evil tree with evil fruit" which he obviously knew they would eat of because he is the "all-knowing God".

THAT is the whole THING with US HUMANS:):):):) WE live BY SEEING, and NOT BY the SPIRIT.. WE only believe in what WE can SEE, FEEL, and TASTE, and TOUCH. IT is a world of MATERIALISTIC THINGS.. THINGS that are all someday not be anymore. EVERYTHING that does not have SEED to REPLENTISH itself will DIE. and the SEED of the SPIRIT was and always will be GOD, JESUS CHRIST, THAT TREE OF LIFE, THAT has GIVEN LIFE to begin with.. WITHOUT that SEED the BODY that is MATERILISTIC DIES.... and WE are a BODY on the OUTSIDE that can be SEEN, TOUCHED, FELT, and yes EVEN TASTED, BUT that which is MATERIALISTIC and is SEEN will soon PERISH and FADE right back INTO from which it came... THE DUST the GROUND that it came from BUT what of THAT that is NOT SEEN???? That which is ON the INSIDE? IT will return to THAT which GAVE IT LIFE... BUT!!!!!!! here is the thing... WHICH LIFE.... GAVE YOU LIFE??? there are two SPIRITUAL beings there is an EVIL SPIRITUAL being, and there is a GOOD SPIRITUAL being.. SATAN the FALLEN ANGEL. that GOD HAD CREATED,, to be RULER of all OTHER ANGELS. that became all "I WILLISM" and WANTED to beRULER.. (MAY I SAY THAT SURE SOUNDS LIKE MOST HUMAN BEINGSI KNOW...))) and then there is GOD the FATHER the GOOD and LOVING FATHER, that sent HIS WORD to us IN THE FLESH so that we MIGHT all KNOW HIM and come back to HIM. TWO SPIRITS... one GOOD and ONE BAD, ONE full of love and careing and truth and blessings and one that GIVES nothing but GRIEF , stealing, and destroying all that is GOOD and beautiful that was in the beginning meant to be GOD's CHILDREN in the first place. for ADAM was GOD'S CHILD. that GOT CORRUPTED BY THAT angel that GOT KICKED OUTA HEAVEN along with all the other angels that wanted to go with him... SO you see.. we are in a place where there are angels out here that areGOOD and bad... in the wilderness outside the KINGDOM of God.. and the GOOD angels that have stayed and been born of God are out here bringing in the lost sheep that are out in the wilderness searching for their home SPIRITS= are UNSEEN. enities... and every SPIRIT needs a BODY to do what the MATERILISTIC world we live in needs to have done and seen.. SO.... GOD is a GOOD and LOVING FATHER. and HE HAS MANY CHILDREN that have been FAITHFUL and do what the FATHER WANTS them to do.. SO does SATAN have HIS CHILDREN that has and does do what HE WANTS them to do... BUT these are all SPIRITUAL BEINGS.. in a RELM that is not seen.. SO that is why WE are told BY THE WORD... that WE DO NOT FIGHT FLESH and BLOOD BUT we fight the PRINCIPALITIES and those evil spiritual beings of the darkness that is not in the light not in the kingdom where the light is where God is. SO until you get GROUNDED in the KINGDOM OF GOD and KNOW who you are and who YOU BELONG TO and who is your RULER you best be very careful who and when and what you LISTEN to and who and what you read. and who and what you are believing.. are you BELIEVING that LIE that SATAN tells or are you believing the TRUTH that GOD tells. and IF YOU do not know which is which then YOU better be finding out which SPIRIT you are dealing with when you encounter HIM>>>>> one is safe and will lead you to LIFE and the KINGDOM the other will lead you to DEATH and DESTRUCTION.. ALL OF US are BORN ONCE... there is not a one of us that has not been born once. we know we are here. BUT!!!! we MUST be BORN again of the SPIRIT of GOD... and the ONLY WAY to be BORN again OF the SPIRIT is THROUGH that that BRINGS HIM TO YOU.. and JESUS said HE SEND that HOLY SPIRIT to all THAT WOULD believe and follow HIM.. ANYONE that wants HIM can have HIM. BUT you have to WANT to see the LIGHT shining in the DARKNESS.. and many do not want to see thatLIGHT.. because it shows them what RETCHED and dirty sinful bodies they have on them from all that traveling around in that wilderness for so long believing and following all the lies and the decietfulness of satan. BUT guess what.. the FATHER does not care how dirty you are., ALL HE WANTS IS FOR HIS LOST CHILDREN THAT HAVE BEEN JUST LIKE THE SHEEP ,,,,, LOST .. AND HE WANTS them BACK IN THE FOLD and THE PLACE where THEY BELONG. HE is STILL saying COME!!!!! all you who are tired, Come all you who are heavy laden, COME!!!! and I will give you PEACE and wash you all clean and give you YOUR ROBE of RIGHTEOUSNESS and your crown of GLORY as all PRINCES and PRINCESSES DESERVE.... DO you see the LIGHT at all??? or are you not seeing it yet...??? IT is there KEEP LOOKING but PLEASE be carefull and LOOK in the right PLACE... THAT BOOK that WORD that was written just for all HIS that FEAR HIM and MEDITATE on HIS NAME... THE HOLY SCRIPTURE WE ALL CALL the BIBLE. CONFESS JESUS as the CHRIST come in the Flesh and BELIEVE it in your heart and thou shalt be saved.:):):):):) God BLESS YOU..

I also wonder why, if scientists will soon be able to distinguish the gene in humans which causes some to be violent and prone to killing, why would God create someone knowing that this person was doomed to hell from the very beginning of this persons life? Someday, I think science may really prove that if there is a creator, this creator is not who we think he/she is. Maybe someday we'll have more respect for the things we cannot understand in our search to understand them.

MAYBE WE SHOULD HAVE MORE RESPECT FOR THAT WHICH WE CANNOT SEE!!!!!!!!!! and TRUST IN HIM that has CREATED ALL THINGS and JUST QUIT fighting HIM and each other and do what HE SAYS to do in the first place. LOVE ONE ANOTHER and be LIKE HIM!!!!!!!! Isn't that what JESUS said?? PRAY in this way.. That GOD'S will be done on earth as it is in heaven? WELL!!!!! then.. IF GOD is LOVE. and HEAVEN is wonderful, and we are to BE like HIM then why should we not LOVE and follow HIM and have that HEAVEN on earth?? forever and ever..?? Anyone have an answer to that??


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