I have met some wonderful people since I have started chatting on the net 2 years ago. I can't begin to mention them all but these are a few that are dear to my heart. *S*
Misty Rose...A terrific person who is not only my best friend but my sis too!! Here is a pic of the two of us!! *S* Don't know what i'd do without ya girl!! Never a dull moment!!!*S* Luv ya!! (((HUGS)))
Star So Bright Here...A great gal who I had the pleasure of meeting last summer!! Can't wait till we get together again!! We had a blast!!Hereis a pic of Honey, Star So Bright, Misty Rose, and me at a mall in Texas!! And here we are at Chuy's Mexican Restaurant. You have become a great friend!! Luv ya sis (((HUGS)))
KennyB aka stinker LOL ...A real sweetheart and who shares my love of music. You always make me smile even when I'm having a bad day! You are a very special friend to me!! Thanks for being there!! Luv ya! (((HUGS)))
Sheila aka Morning Breeze...A real sweet gal who I met in the house, we lost touch for a while but I'm sure glad we caught up again!! You have become a special friend that I always enjoy talking to! *BS* ! Luv ya! (((HUGS)))
![friend touches your heart](touchesyourheart.gif)
Fireweed...A friend I just met in the house and we hit it off right away!! We have alot in common Janean!! I enjoy our friendship and hope we stay close *S* (((HUGS)))
Wolf...A real nice guy I met through ICQ. He's from the land down under!! *S* You always make me smile!! You have become like a brother to me!! Luv ya Paul (((HUGS)))
Chocolate Covered Strawberry...Hey girl!! Glad we have become friends. You have a great homepage. Thanks for sharing some of your strawberry pics with me. Take care (((HUGS)))
![friends are special](friendsspecial.gif)
Peaches...A real sweetheart who I met recently on ICQ. I enjoy our talks. You have become a special friend to me. Take care of those precious babies!! (((HUGS)))
Some of my other favorite friends that I have enjoyed chatting with.
Gummybear...Sammy... Rocket, Icetea, CaleeJo, Mr. P, Share, Tammy, and many others..Hope I didn't forget anyone *S* I have met some wonderful people and I would never intentionally leave you out so let me know and I'll add you okay!! *S*
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