Where are they now!

Recently we have received requests for information on older local bands, though not always local to Southern California. With this in mind we have added this page. Here you can ask about bands and or band members you want to find from your past, or tell someone else where they are now.

To inquire about a band or it's members just use this email link and send us any information you have. Be sure to tell us if this is to find them or to answer someone elses search.

Looking for...

Angie would like to know where the band
No Tolerance
is these days? They played in Mid 90's at places like the White House in Laguna Beach.

Raven Flying High
hi,i was came across your web site and i was hoping you might be able to help me. i am looking for anyone how knows or have heard about a band called raven flying high. it originated in san fransisco area in the 80's and went on to tour canada in late summer 81. the bass quitarist is named carlos, ive been trying to track him down for 10 years and i was hoping i might be able to find some information about them. if you know anything like a sight that lists older local bands ect. could you please email me back anything would be greatly appretiated. thank you

Corkey Carroll
Can you tell me anything about a guy from So.Cal. named Corky Carroll? He was a professional surfer but made a few albums too. He even had a gold record called "Tan Punks on Boards" back in '79. He still has a surf school in Huntington Beach but he isn't there.

Here's what I know about...

Corkey Carroll
For those of you looking for Corky Carroll he's been found down in Mexico, still surfing and still making music. You can find him at

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