These links go to different things that interest me on the web. The first one is the Elfquest homepage. Elfquest is a graphic novel written by Ralph and Wendy Pini. To find out more about it and see what it's all about, click below. The next one is the Star Wars homepage. I am a big Star Wars fan and grew up with the whole Luke, Leia, Han and Chewie era. I loved those movies. The next one is the Interstate Fair homepage. It's got information on Brian White, Rick Trevino, Smokin' Armadillos and more. I'm into country music big time, and here's the place to find great pictures of the most handsome men of country music. The last one is the Rodeo page. I loved the movie 8 Seconds and Lane Frost thus, I love rodeo. Check out these great pages.
Links to other sites on the Web
Elfquest Homepage
Star Wars Homepage
Interstate Fair Homepage
ProRodeo Homepage
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