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by: Mary McLaughlin

Hi all,
Most important on my mind these days is what more can we do to spread the word about the possibility of having a Graceland 2002 Postage Stamp for the 25th anniversary of his death.
What a great honor this would be and it's we fans who must accomplish this. Graceland is not only Elvis' beloved home, it is the Elvis Presley Museum. The attendance there is only surpassed by visitors to the White House. Think of it. 750,000 visitors to Graceland each year. Yes the White House was home to many presidents, but Graceland was home to The King. Elvis had bought
Graceland in March of 1957 when he was barely 22 years old for $100,000 dollars cash. Can you imagine how much that is in modern-day money? What a
feeling of pride and accomplishment he must have felt. This was home to him for the last 20 years of his life and this is also where he died.
How about us all pitching in to help. Type out a petition,and get as many signatures as you can get. This has to be done in what we call snail-mail.
In 1993 the US Post Office issued the Elvis postage stamp. Over five hundred million were sold, the most stamps ever sold in US history. We can't have
another Elvis stamp because EPE has informed us that they were told that according to the guidelines of the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee, no stamp can be considered for issuance if one treating the same subject has been issued in the past 50 years. But we could request a stamp to commemorate Graceland, Elvis' home. Surely if you flood their offices with your petitions, if you really let them know you won't give up on this they will remember the revenue it brought in and I doubt very much if they would turn it down. It was much harder for the fans to accomplish this back in those days when Pat Geiger worked so hard to pass the word to all the fans and to get the signatures gathered. We fans did it then, and surely now,in these days of computers we can do it again. Spread the word. Get those petitions out. Below are the addresses to write to. Every one counts!

The address for the Committee and the Postmaster General :
Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee
US Postal Service
475 L'Enfant Plaza, SW, Room 5670
Washington DC 20260-2437

Postmaster General William J. Henderson
US Postal Service
475 L'Enfant Plaza, SW, Room 5670
Washington DC 20260-2437

Email us ( Mary ) EProudMary@aol.com
or:( Rich) onlylove4elvis@elvis.com    


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Elvis, Elvis Presley, Elvis Presley's Memphis, Elvis Week, Graceland, and Heartbreak Hotel are Registered Trademarks with the USPTO. © 2001 EPE, Inc.