My name is Mary, and I live in Bakersfield, CA. It is also known as "Nashville West". That is due to Buck Owens who lives here and has the "Crystal Palace" open and he also owns KUZZ 107.9 FM C&W station. We are proud of Buck and what he has done for Bakersfield and the C&W scene. The "Palace" has concerts all the time. Some of the most popular singers and some of the lesser known ones are there. The most frequent guests are Merle Haggard and Dwight Yoakam.
I'm married, and have 3 children. Nicole is 35 and was wed on Nov. 15, 1997. She blessed me with a granddaughter, Jillian Drew, Born on Oct. 1, 2003. What a little sweetie!! Kristofer is 26, Kimberley is 24, 25 on 2/1/04. She blessed me with a grandson, Dominic Kristofer, born on March 3, 2002. He's a little character!!!
Was I crazy???Kris and Kim are 16 months apart in age! That was an experience! They are delightful kids. I am thankful for them, as they enrich my life. *S*
The things I like to do the most are: Listening to C&W music, line dancing, reading my romance novels, x-stitching things for people, playing on the puter and chatting on ICQ.
I promise to get some pictures up here as soon as Kimmie shows me how to run the scanner! *S* Darn kids know more about this puter than I do!
Okay...I finally have some pictures to show...*s* Click on thumbnail to see larger picture.
pics in order from left to right:
1. Nicole and Jeff's Wedding
2. Kim and Dominic age 1 1/2yrs
3. Aunt Nikki and Dominic age 2 mos.
4. Uncle Kris and Dominic age 1 mos.
5. Granddaughter Jillian age 4 mos.
6. Granddaughter Jillian age 2 days
Graphics from MoonFaery Creations
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