Star Ceremony

Tuesday June 17,1997 was Lee Roy Parnell Day in Nashville. At least it was to those fans, friends, and family who gathered together to honor him at the Country Music Hall of Fame. As a result of the hard work and dedication of his fans, Lee Roy was presented with a star on The Walkway of Stars in recognition of his contributions to country music. William Ivey, director of the Hall Of Fame made the presentation.

James, Lee Roy, Lynn, Steve, and Kevin present a Fender Statocaster, Lee Roy has used in the concert following the star presentation, to Mr. Ivey who accepts on behalf of the Hall Of Fame.

Here is Lee Roy and two of the fans most responsable for getting things started on this project...

A heartfelt thank you to both June and Val.

Here are just a few of the things going on before the ceremony.
Steve and Kevin Signing Autographs before the ceremony

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