Broken Doll

Red lights flash,
A little doll broken.
At the senseless crash,
Not a word is spoken.

Just a minor accident,
Not really that bad you see;
But without a simple seat belt,
It became a tragedy.

Rescuers shake their heads,
Their minds broken by the sight.
The crumpled body of a little boy lays dead,
Purley for lack of a seat belt's might.

Nothing to say about "if only..."
Because that won't the tears,
As a mother sits broken and lonley,
Holding her son's worn teddy bear.

As the body bag is zipped up tight,
A piece of each heart goes dark.
The only chance for future light
Is that this poem has left it's mark.

Take the time to buckle them up,
Even when they give you strife.
Show your love by giving the ultimate "hug,"
The one that can save their life.

-Kae Austin Bruch