That Night

His face was full of pain and fear.
He is alerted by sirens in the distance and help is near.

His bones are broken and flesh is torn
he looks over at his friend and starts to morn.

He thinks to himself was it worth it for a few beers
as he looks into his friends eyes and starts to tear.

The fire department gets there and asses the scene.
It is a one car major in a ravene.

While he was pinned below the dash
his friend was dead amoung the glass.

Fire fighters worked to set him free
He was chocking on his own blood and could not breathe

Life flight got there and flew him away
but he would not live to see the light of day.

By Billy Slagle   
Atascocita ire Department.

If you would like to make a comment on this to Billy you can email him at