
Real Name: Steve Borden
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 260 lbs.
Ring Debut: 1985
From: Venice Beach, CA
Current resident: St.Petersburg, FL and Atlanta, GA
Birthday: March 20, 1959
Previous Names/Nicknames: "Justice"; Blade Runner Flash; Blade Runner Sting; Stinger
Signature Moves: Scorpion Death Lock; Stinger Splash; Scorpion Death Drop

"Titles Held"

UWF World tag team: 2 times
NWA World TV
NWA World heavyweight
WCW U.S. Heavyweight: 2 times
WCW World Heavyweight: 4 times
WCW International World: 2 times
WCW World tag team: 2 times (once with Lex Luger and once with The Giant)
UWF Tag Title: 3 times