Performing at the Wildhorse Saloon

Nashville's famous country music nightspot booked Randy and his band,
RIATA for a full week's performance, and my talented neighbor rocked
the house solidly.

His blend of traditional country and country rock had packed houses
dancing all night, and the Wildhorse sound system played the music to
its full advantage.

You can get a list of his bookings at his Geocities home at 5353 Nashville.

He's been hard at work on songs for an album, so keep your ears open!

Talking with Carm

The breaks were few, but Carm was there to cheer Randy on.

There are more pictures of Randy and Carm on my Friends page.

  • A look through my neighbor's peep-hole at me.
  • Meet my Family.
  • Have some fun with my friends.
  • Visit the rising country star - Randy Stafford - across the street.
  • Go back to 5350 block.
  • Drop me a line through e-Mail.
  • You're visitor since 11/98.

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