The Cry Of The Creek Refugees
Our readers are aware, that, for several years past, the Creeks, under
the operation of the cruel laws of Georgia, and the treaties forced upon
them by the United States government, have been removing to the country
west of the Mississippi. Some of these poor men, it seems, were so
adverse to removal, that they fled for refuge to their brethren the Cherokees.
As an exhibition of the feelings of the different parties now in contact
with each other in the Cherokee country, we give below the correspondence
which followed a call upon the Cherokee authorities to deliver up the refugees.
The call was made by Col.Lindsay, an officer of the United States army,
last autumn. The following is the Colonel's letter.
Head Quarters, Army, Aug. 3, 1837
To the Council of the Cherokee Nation:
It is represented to me by Lieutenant Deas, United States army, and
superintendent of Creek emigration, that a number of Creek Indians have
taken refuge within the limits of the Cherokee nation; and that a party
of these people, which was actually being transported, and which escaped
on their way from that officer, is now there. It is my duty, to retake
these people and send them off, and I have ample means to effect that object;
but it is respectfully submitted to the council of the Cherokee nation
whether the interests of humanity would not be best consulted by collecting
these people peaceably, through the agency of the Cherokee authorities,
instead of hunting them down with a military force, which, however strictly
instructed, might, in the eagerness of pursuit, whether through accident
or mistake, commit outrages not only upon them, but even on innocent and
unoffending individuals of the Cherokee nation. I trust the council
of the Cherokee nation will not understand me as asking the performance
of any act which is revolting to the feelings of humanity; and I therefore
distinctly state that I do not wish or intend that they shall cause to
be delivered up any Creek Indian who may be connected with the Cherokees
by marriage or parentage, or that sort of domiciliation which, according
to their usages, constitutes citizenship, but all others, I trust, will
be peaceably surrendered to Lieutenant Deas, or his agent, by such means
as the council may, in their wisdom, adopt.
Very respectfully,
Wm. Lindsay, Colonel 2d artillery, commanding army, C. N.
Red Clay Council Ground, Aug. 7, 1837
Sir : I herewith transmit to you a copy of the proceedings of the general
council on the subject of your letter in reference to certain Creek Indians.
So soon as I may be fully informed of the views and determination of the
United States government on the subject, I will take steps for communicating
them to these people, agreeably to the resolution of the council.
Jno, Ross, Principal Chief Cherokee Nation
This letter was tranmitted by Mr. Ross, the principal chief of the Cherokees,
to the general council of the nation, then in session at Red
Clay Council Ground; and the following is their answer, with the letter
of Mr. Ross to Mr. Lindsay accompanying it.
Resolution of the General Council
The general council of the Cherokee nation have had the subject matter
of Colonel William Lindsay's communication, respecting certain Creek Indians,
under consideration.
The authorities of the Cherokee nation have every
disposition to communicate to these people the views and determination
of the United States government respecting them; but cannot take any steps
to lend their aid to any compulsory measure for removing the Creeks out
of the limits of the Cherokee nation. The long established intercourse
between them, the usages and laws under which they came into this nation,
together with the feelings of humanity, when their unfortunate situation
is considered, in connection with the peculiar condition of our own affairs,
all forbid it; Therefore, Resolved, That the principal chief be, and he
is hereby, requested to ascertain fully the views and determination of
the United States government; from their agents, respecting the Creeks
in this nation; and to take steps for communicating the same for their
information as early as practicable; also, to inform them that the Cherokee
nation cannot protect them in their residence here should the power of
the United States government be exerted against them; and such other friendly
talk as may be proper and just on the occasion.
R. Taylor,President, National Council.
Going X Snake, Speaker National Council.
S. Forman, Clerk National Committee.
Jesse Bushyhead, Clerk Nation Council.
Red Clay, Cherokee Nation, Aug. 6, 1837
We give now the appeal of the poor Creeks to Mr. Ross
and their Cherokee brothers, a copy of it was furnished to Col. Lindsay,
for the informaion of the United States government. We see not how
any man can read it with dry eyes.
The Creeks residing in the Cherokee Nation to
John Ross, Esq., Principal Chief.
Sir:- We have listened to you talk. You say the officer of the United
States wishes us to go to the west. We are sorry to hear this talk.
Our minds are troubled. We do not want to go to the west, unless
the Cherokees go there too.
We speak to you as the chief of the Cherokee nation.
It has been the custom of our fathers and our forefathers to go freely
into each other's country. With this knowledge we came into the Cherokee
country. We came here to escape from the evils of war. In time
of trouble we came to the Cherokees as to the home of a brother.
When we came, we were treated kindly. Our red brethren made no objection.
They did not tell us to leave the country. But we have been pursued
by the white man and treated harshly, without knowing that we were guilty
of any crime. While living here we planted corn in the season, but
the white man destryed it, and took away much of our property. In
this bad treatment two of our men were killed, one man shot through the
thigh and arm, and three children lost in the flight of their mothers,
and have not been found. We do not want to be put into the hands
of these men. We ask the favour of you to permit us to reside with
you. We ask your pity and protection. We put ourselves into
your hands. We ask you to speak for us to the president, our father,
that he may order his men not to hunt us through the country. We
hope you will pity us; we hope the president will pity us. We want
to live with you. We are willing to obey your laws.
Again we speak to the principal chief of the Cherokees.
Most of our number are connected with the Cherokees
by blood or marriage, and those who are not themselves connected in this
manner are nearly related to those who are. We hope the Cherokee
chief will take hold of us and help us before our father the president.
Will you tell the president that the son and brother of Chinnabee, the
Creek warrior, who was the strong friend of the whites in peace and war,
are here with us, and join with us in this petition. We hope the
chief will obtain help for his own people, and that we may share in that
benefit; but, if not, we are willing to share in the afflictions of the
You will discover our desires, and we hope you will
be able to help us.
Signed at Red Clay, August 12th, 1837, by your friends
and brothers.
Chagaledsee, Tsoofagana, Dicky, Lawana, Chanagwe, Dakehege, Tseesee,
Watseesa, Chulatesky, Yaha, Taskeketeehee, Soometsa, Tsoofee, Tsalee, Toowalaheetsa,
Aweoondena, John, Atsee, Kanawesteesky, Leedeefatsor, Tsetokosoo, Isfaaneeyohoola,
Gawohelosky, Seequa, Atsatee, Gatsawegesegoo, Yaha, Weelee, Ayamakee, Halakyyhoola,
Delagaquala, Oosanalee, Tawetsee, Asaleedsee