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This Native American Indian Homepage 
belongs to Thomas W.Peterson <RedHeart> 

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Words of RedHeart
There are monuments throughout this country for many people whom have helped shape this country but I say that there should be a monument depicting some of the great Native American Indian Ancestors that fought and died to keep this land pure so that the Buffalo could roam, the Eagle could soar, and their future generations could carry on their traditions. A monument indeed but not in a mountainside but in the books and teachings to our children and their children. A monument in our hearts and in our minds. Let those courageous Chiefs and Warriors not be forgotten. Not a Mount Rushmore, there should be a continued effort in protecting the Mother earth which they walked on and left preserved in its natural state to honor the forebearers of this great land. Maybe one day All Native Americans will push for a National holiday for those ancestors of the past to celebrate the memory of those great Chiefs and Warriors who were largely responsible for making this land a great place to live. Without the past, there would not be no today and without today there will be no tomarrow. Let them not be forgotten for they were all of greatness!
--->Cries for help<---
Hopi Elders:
"Together with all Nations we Hold this World in Balance. As a Collective Group, we can indeed make a difference.”
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Last updated Wednsday April 15,1998
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