The Summit
             Image of SilverCloud,RedHeart and wife Phyllis


  I'm 49 years old, from Pennsylvania, USA.
It was on June 21,1998 that both my wife Phyllis and I had met for the very first time in the flesh with my dear internet friend SilverCloud in Maryland.  I was impressed with the extent of  the hospitality and left on that Fathers Day with a feeling  of enjoyment and had no regrets of making the choice of furthering my acquaintaince with SilverCloud and his wife Chief Little Flower of the Many Waters Band of the Cherokee. It was one meeting  I will  always  remember. It has also bonded us further into our newly formed frienship.

The following  words of which my thoughts were expressed were presented to SilverCloud at this 1ST meeting.
We have met on more than one many times as our paths
crossed on the internet and it is there where we bonded
as "Brother/Friends".  Now we are taking it one step
further by our meeting in the flesh this Fathers Day
June 21,1998 thru your invite of my wife and I to your
home.  May this friendship be etched in stone permanent
and forever and may that stone never be wiped clean of
that etching of our friendship and may our paths always
be entwined.
Throughout history, Indian peoples have prized their
shields for their mystical strength, and decorated them
with sacred feathers and symbols which they obtained
during their vision quest. As a means for deflecting
arrows, lances and axes, a good shield is traditionally
made with the assistance from the tribal shaman, and is
believed capable of affording the bearer the protection
of the gods.  May both the Spirits and Angels be there
to greet you and your loved ones when you cross over
beyond this world.
May the road rise to meet you, May the wind be always at
your back, May the sun shine warm upon your face, the
rains fall soft upon your fields and, until we meet
again may  God hold you in the palm of his hand.
RedHeart  6/21/98
 Favourite links
 The Many Waters Band
 This Page was made on the 5th Aug 1998