Thanks to the Following...

Southern League's Dixienet for the Third National Flag

Southern Country Home Page for the background on my main page.

ReWEP Associates for the MIDI file "When Johnny Comes Marching Home"

38th Regiment Virginia Volunteer Infantry - Company F for the knowledge on tables.

HTML Goodies for the Java Scripts

Confederate Flags of the American Civil War for the first and second CSA flags.

The Page for the animated confederate flag.

The 5 A's for the awesome viewpoints.

The South for the great ideas on the guestbook.

Poetry and Music of the War Between the States for the MIDI file "Battle Cry of Freedom".

Civil War Quotes for the quotes.

American Civil War - Quotes for the quotes.

Civil War Quotes for the quotes.

PRONET - International Business Directory.

Add Me! for adding my site to 34 search engines.