Club History

Harmonic 65 Culture Club was founded by Albert Marshall and Vince Pulo in 1985 and set up at its original premises at 65 Capel Street West Melbourne. The club name evolved from the recording and music teaching studio run by Vince Pulo called Harmonic 63 (based next door at No 63).

The club was set up to be a main meeting point for singers, musicians and other artists, to meet socially and discuss ideas of mutual interest in a friendly and cordial atmosphere (normally over a glass of wine).

The idea was further developed when Vic Smith started running a monthly 'Members Night' where the artists could perform in front of their peers and try out new material whilst at the same time having a bit of a 'Jam Session' (on a similar line to folk clubs). These were very popular and a number of the current established Maltese artists owe their initiation into singing to these evenings.

At this time the club also started its own award scheme, presenting a small plaque to the male and female members of the year, for their effort in the running of the club. Little was realised about the significance that these awards would have down the track, as they were the forerunners of the Manoel de Vilhena Awards. The club is very proud that these awards have evolved to an extent that they have the patronage of the Prime Minister of Malta and the plaque awarded to each winner bears his signature.

Harmonic 65 has gained a reputation of presenting high quality productions that are well organised and feature the best local artists from the Maltese community in Melbourne. These past achievements include theatrical productions and fund raising events.

Harmonic 65 has contact with many Maltese Performers in Melbourne and would act as a contact point where these artists can be contacted. The club can organise complete floorshows utilising a number of its artists for any suitable events. These artists can perform in a number of styles and languages.

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