The Making of A Young Performance Horse
This program is tailored for the horse owners who desire to acquire
the knowledge and ability to break their own horse.
This course is a proven step by step method to train a young animal
to perform with manners, responsiveness and eagerness to please.
By learning to train your own horse, you will get a great sense
of accomplishment and develop a closer bond with your favorite animal.
Training a horse can be extremely frustrating. The basic principle
is to understand that you and your horse speak a different language.
In order to communicate with your horse, you need to develop a sign
language based on the animal's basic instinct, which is to flee
from danger or pressure.
Using repetition and positive reinforcement with each lesson will
ensure that your horse understands the different aids properly.
This increased communication will create a stronger bond between
you and your horse.
Developing a method to work with will help you make the mystery
of horse training a fulfulling experience.