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1st Full Day of Kindergarten = September 16, 1996

From the day he was born, Chris has always been a strong guy, much too physically advanced for his age!   He could roll over when he was only 1 day old!  When Andy was a baby, I can remember thinking, "... now I know why God makes them so helpless, they'd KILL themselves otherwise!!!", but we had no such luck with Chris. Chris is/was a lot more like Bam Bam of Flintstones fame; a natural born linebacker! 

One day, as I arrived home from work, I came upon Andy and Chris in the driveway. Are you familiar with those electric vehicles the kids ride on? Well, we have a little electric truck that looks like Bigfoot the monstor truck. Andy was 4 years old at the time and was riding in Bigfoot. Apparently, the battery was dead; and Chris, only 1 year old, was behind the truck pushing his big brother UP HILL into the garage!  The wheels on the truck weren't even turning!!! Just baby Chris, legs like hydrolic pistons, pushing that truck up the hill... My mouth fell open, my eyes opened wide, and all I could do was stare!!!

Return later for more stories about Chris!


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