Korean American Resource & Cultural Center, Inc.

"Nurturing Roots in This Land"

Live Right!

Know Your Roots!

Be Strong!

Live in Unity!


While growing up as Koreans in the United States, many of us felt a sense of displacement. We believe that to live aware, with strength and dignity, we must develop a Korean identity, born out of our immigrant experiences. In rooting ourselves, we can begin to work and share with other people of color. And together we can go beyond individualism and towards a sense of community.

In October of 1994, a group of young Korean Americans met to discuss ways of creating a positive arena for developing and sharing our knowledge, ideas, and thoughts. The fruit of these meetings is the Korean American Resource and Cultural Center (KRCC); a space that is collectively operated and open to all indiciduals seeking to re/discover themselves.


Educate Korean Americans about the current as well as historical sociopolitical situations of Koreans both here in the United States and in the homeland.




KRCC runs Korean and English language classes as well as Korean history classes in both Korean and English

Community Forums

KRCC sponsors regular community forums that serve to educate, inform and encourage discussions and debate on a range of issues that impact our lives as Korean Americans. These issues include: health, immigration, women, education, community development and iternational politics.

Summer School Program

In the summertime, KRCC runs a summer school program for young Korean Americans. THese classes include modern Korean history, Korean literature, Korean culture and social issues. The students can also take part in field trips to community centers in Illinois and in neighboring states. The summer school program culminates with the production of a special journal anthologizing the works and ideas of all the students.

Study Groups


KRCC produces an on-going bilingual publication on the activities of KRCC and the Korean American community.


KRCC has amassed a bilingual collection of materials on Korean and Korean American issues for the lending library. In addition, the Center offers resources on a range of related topics such as gender, sexuality, class and the history and culture of all people of color.


KRCC is the home of IlKwaNoRi (Work and Play), a Korean American cultural troupe. IlKwaNoRi runs weekly drumming classes and conducts workshops on the origin, development and function of popular traditional Korean culture.


KRCC runs a bilingual study group on the images, roles and ideas of Korean women in literature, history and society. KRCC is also compiling a directory of writings and other works by and about Korean women.

Advocacy with Unity

KRCC is committed to creating strong links and working in coalition with other ethnic organizations and communities by educating the public on the issues and needs of immigrants.

Community Service

As a way of addressing the language barriers many Korean American face, KRCC will provide interpretation and translation as well as information and referrals. The Center also offers assistance in filing income tax forms, voter platform education and registration, and procides information about the rights of citizens.


KRCC is a non-profit center operated by Korean Americans who donate their ideas, time and labor. More than 80% of KRCC's revenue is from donors in the community. The remaining 20% is raised from fundraising efforts such as the collection of aluminum cans and garage sales.

You can become involved by:


In Korean, the center is referred to as Being the 'Madang Jip (Center).' 'Jip' can be translated as house. 'Madang' cannot be translated by a meaning. Typically, 'Madang' is a circular space located in the center of a village or town. Men, women, and children would congregate at the 'Madang' for festivals, cultural performances, weddings, and other community activities. They would eat, play, and work there together. At the 'Madang', there was no indicidual ownership or social stratification. The 'Madang Jip' (Center) can be thought of as being the central house where a sense of community is formed and activites take place.

In taking this name, 'Madang Jip' (Center), we hope that KRCC will be the Heart or central location where Korean Americans in Chicago gather as a commuinity.

KRCC is an affiliate of the National Korean American Serivce and Education Consortium (NAKASEC)

Korean American Resource & Cultural Center, Inc.
2725 W. Peterson Ave. 2nd Floor, Chicago, Illinois 60659
Tel: 773/506-9158
Fax: 773/509-9159