My Daily Challenges...

        In 1988 I was diagnosed with an incurable disease that forced me to go on disability at the young age of 30, and leave the job that I loved at a Medical Practice. The disease is Interstitial Cystitis.
    I had hopes and dreams for my future, to go back to school for nursing, to have the energy and stamina to be a wonderful mom and partner to my husband... the disease abruptly stopped me in my tracks...
    I thank God for blessing me with a family that loves and accepts me as I am, on the good and bad days.  Without their love and support I would have let these conditions take me hostage!
I am not saying I don't still have horrible days, when getting out of the bed and getting dressed are a chore, but they have helped me to cherish the good days and to know that this too shall pass... to not give up!
If you would like to learn more about my conditions visit the links below...
     Interstitial Cystitis       Fibro Myalgia
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Teach Me How
Teach me how to let go of my dreams, career, goals.
Teach me how to not envy.
To not be disappointed.
To not have anger.
Life has changed too fast.
Teach me how to accept the changes..
in my strength, my future.
Everything seems so empty now.
The pieces of my life lay under me now.
I don't know how to fix the broken pieces.
Teach me Lord.
Teach me how to find peace.

This is a picture of my best friend Janice taken in Carmel California. We met over 6 years ago at a support group for sufferers of Interstitial Cystitis and have become very close since then.
We have been there for one another through numerous sleepless nights, hospital stays and tears...
I feel truly blessed to have her as a friend.
    "Some people have never been the lonely kind... never called a friend in the middle of the night... just to hear a voice say.."it's okay"..... You took a long night and turned it into day... And so this has to be a sudden gift of're nothing less to me than a sudden gift of fate...It's not as if it comes down to your turn that someone somewhere feels you've earned... you just learn to wait..
for sudden gifts of fate..."
Sudden Gift Of Fate by Mary Chapin Carpenter 
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