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Last updated Sept 25 1998 by Wil Macaulay.
Recent News
August 31
Gregorian chant notation. Force files to open as text only. Some bug fixes. BarFly is an editor/browser/player for abc. Runs on (just about) any old Macintosh, and is free.You can get at it through my abc4mac page. [Link fixed]
I have made some corrections to my abc file of session tunes and bound copies are available for ten dollars, either through Allan Harps or from me (send me a mail for details).
I used abc4mac to create the book, and have got some good feedback, such as this from Matthew Adams in Niagara Falls, ont:
Hello, I'm a flute player in a celtic band in Niagara Falls, Ont. and I just thought that I would mail you and tell you that i just bought your "99 tunes" book at the celtic festival in London. I just played through most of the book and I like your inclusion of tunes. It will come in handy!! Thanks. I also viewed your webpage...it is also a wealth of information! The band I play in is called the Black Velvet Band and we also have a webpage http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Atrium/2644/ Feel free to visit it if you have time Matthew Adams
August 28
I have updated the events page with a bunch of info garnered over the last few weeks. I have added listings for contradances in Toronto and Owen Sound.
August 24
Updates to the ABC Tune of the Month Page include new tunes from Jerry Holland and Brenda Stubbert. Over the next few months, we will be expanding the page to include some other tunes from other people.
I met quite a few people over the summer with whom I have exchanged email but never met before. Great to meet you!
Over the next few months I hope to be expanding the site with more reviews and features. Anybody interested in submitting stuff for publication should mail me.
June 5
A sneak preview of the Chieftains new Cape Breton album Fire In the Kitchen:
Leahy-Air/Devil's Dream/Mason's Apron The Rankins-An Innis Aigh Great Big Sea-Lukey Lukaloney (Lukey's Boat, the first single and video, shot in Kilarney, lucky devils) Laura Smith-My Bonnie Ashley MacIsaac-My Home/The Contradiction/Julia Delaney Rita MacNeil-Come By The Hills Natalie MacMaster-A Mhairi Bhoidheach Barra MacNeils-Rattlin Roarin Willie Ennis Sisters-Red Is the Rose La Bottine Souriante-Le Lys Vert
Chatelaine Magazine has a pretty decent article on Natalie MacMaster.
For those with an interest, the results of the Central Canada Fiddle and Step-Dance contest is now posted. They had well over two hundred competitors over the two day period.
There have been some changes to the sessions page, including sessions in Kingston.
Paul Gribbon is putting together a similar page to this for the Kitchener-Waterloo area.
now playing - Tommy Peoples: Master Irish Fiddle Player
May 19
Thanks to Paul Gribbon for news of a new session in Waterloo.
May 15
A java abc applet is available from Rick Miller . (warning: it doesn't work through a firewall).
I have updated the sessions page.
I see that Leahy is going to be touring with Shania Twain - maybe Shania will take up playing bodhran?
The Rankins 'reinvent themselves' according to the mainstream press. I have heard a couple of tracks from their latest album; my opinion is that most of the reinventing seems to be making them more palatable to country radio, but I found their 'Weddings Wakes and Funerals' track interesting.
May 10
However, there is a new tune of the month from Paul - one from each of Jerry Holland and Brenda Stubbert. Check it out...
Thanks to Judith Rosen for permission to publish a review of Natalie MacMaster's new album "My Roots are Showing".
Yet another new edition of BarFly from Phil Taylor. This latest one is really worth getting, if you haven't already. You can get it from Ceolas, and I will have it posted here in the near future.
The good news is: It's a fat binary, and will still run on all the older machines, but on Power Macs it now runs at ten times the speed. New features: * There are new menu commands for playing - Play Selection, Play from insertion point and Play Medley. Another new Play option is to Skip Repeats. * Grace notes no longer break beams in the music display; you can have both single grace notes and beams of grace notes within beams of timed notes. There is now also a limit on the steepness of beams. * There are now special facilities for highland bagpipe music - the music can be drawn with the beams all downward, and if you are using Quicktime 3.0 can be played with drones. * You now have a choice of intonations. Default is still to play in equal temperament, but you can also choose to tune the player for Highland Pipes, Just Intonation or Pythagorean scales. (Only when playing using Quicktime.) * The Viewer Preferences dialog is now moveable, so you can move it aside to see the effect of the Apply button on the music behind. * The Roland GS instruments supplied in Quicktime 3.0 are now available for use. * Bug fixes too numerous to mention (its been a while since the last release...) The bad news is: It's a fat binary, and therefore takes up two and a half times as much room on your hard disk. Minimum memory requirement is also up from 768K to 1Mb, and I recommend giving it 2Mb to be on the safe side. While it does run 10x as fast, the old version did everything pretty much instantaneously anyway, so the difference is not noticeable. (However this does mean that I can now do more sophisticated processing in the parsers, so I can now write a version which uses proportional spacing for the notes.) The program has been uploaded to Ceolas, and in due course will appear on: http://celtic.stanford.edu/tunes.html or http://www.ceolas.org/tunes.html In the mean time you can get it by anonymous ftp from: celtic.stanford.edu (in the /submit directory, filename is BarFly1d16.hqx) or from: rbu01.ed-rbu.mrc.ac.uk (in the /Q840_data/pub directory, filename is BarFly1d16.sea, MacBinary only)
Tommy Peoples, the legendary Donegal fiddle player has a new album, "The Quiet Glen".
now playing - The Barra MacNeils: The Traditional Album
April 23
This was on the cittern list, and looks quite interesting:
RootsWorld Radio will be a reagular weekly internet radio program. I am in the first stage of testing, and would appreciate our loyal subscribers tuning in and giving me some feedback. The first show is hosted by Kathy Gilbert (queen of the tight seque!). Future episodes will be hosted by yours truly!Log in to:
This page will provide a playlist for the first show, links to reviews or articlcles on the web site, and a link to a Real Audio broadcast.
This experiment is part of a project called "Ear Drum" that will eventually be broadcasting world and roots music all day, every day "live" on the internet.
Cliff Furnald
For those people who are looking for Cape Breton music via mail-order, check out Charlie's Downhome Music, in Cheticamp, Cape Breton.
Titanic fever has also raised interest in Irish music. Some original newspaper reports from the 1912 editions of the Truro, NS Daily News of that time have been made available on the net.
April 17
Bill has also updated his site to list fiddle and step dance events in Southern Ontario.
And from B. Murray:
The Chieftains have apparently just finished recording a Cape Breton CD with Natalie MacMaster, Ashley MacIsaac, Mary Jane Lamond and others.
Meanwhile, I have recieved a copy of The Bridges of Cape Breton County(s). This is a compilation of mostly previously released material from some of Cape Breton's finest fiddlers, as well as a 'bonus track' from the Men of the Deep. I will review this CD in more depth in the next little while, but in the meantime I think it is nice to realize that even without Natalie ('though Buddy is here) and Ashley (but we have Dave) there is an incredible number of fiddlers who can get the blood moving.
Also received: Winston Fitzgerald's tunebook from Cranford Publications.
April 8
It's been a while since I updated this section (but I do try to keep up with the events weekly.)
Ed and David Mirvish are putting on 'Needfire' - a Celtic music/dance show, featuring some of this area's best performers, including fiddler Sandy MacIntyre, multi-instrumentalist Duncan Cameron, and others. It'll be interesting to see...
A new session is starting up in Waterloo - contact Paul Gribbon at paul.gribbon@utoronto.ca for details.
On the abc front, Cranford Publications tune of the month is now available in abc format. You'll find two tunes each by Jerry Holland and Brenda Stubbert.
I have released a new version of abc4mac
Changes: Version 0.6 April 1997 - version of abc2ps is 1.2.5 version of abcmidi is 1.4.6 - tweaked ps output to work around bug creating pdf files from GhostView (downbow and ending marks showed up as boxes) - tweaked midi to create better sounding rolls - long rolls have longer first note - short rolls start one note up - extras: abc2pdf to create a pdf file, abc2jpeg to create a jpeg from an abc. abc2web to create a basic html page with embedded jpeg and midi file
Meanwhile, Apple has released QuickTime 3.0, which includes support for Roland's GS MIDI instrument set. This works with abc4mac and BarFly, giving a nicer sound to the MIDI files.
Mar 4
Sometime in the last month, we had our 1000th visitor - glad to see this site is of some use! Now I have a bunch of stuff to catch up on - sorry it's been so long...
I have added some new teachers to the teachers page.
This is a great month for Celtic music in Toronto - catch Natalie MacMaster with Altan at Roy Thomson Hall, Wendy MacIsaac at a Cape Breton dance, or Irish fiddle master Martin Hayes with Dennis Cahill at An Seomra Mór - not to mention Leahy and Chris Norman and the Irish Descendants...
A new session is starting on Monday nights at the Annex Art Centre on Bathurst south of Dupont. This is a learning session for Quebec and Old-time (Canadian and US) music.
I have put two new websites on line Sarah Beaton is a builder of fine violins, violas and cellos, and Garrison Creek is a trio that plays Canadian old time music - music of the lumbercamps and Grand Banks...
Info on Jay Ungar & Molly Mason's summer Ashokan Fiddle & Dance camps (Northern Week, Southern Week, Western & Swing Week) is now available.
For MacIntosh users of the abc notation, Phil Taylor has just released a new version of his notation program BarFly.
CHANGES IN VERSION 1.0d15 * Transpose command now lets you specify which direction you want the tune transposed. (Previously it always went to the nearest key - this is still the default.) * If you are using Internet Config, URLs embedded in abc files can be opened by command-clicking on them. The helper application you have specified in IC will be started and will connect to the URL. You can also put in file:// references to make hyperlinks between BarFly documents. Command-clicking on these causes BarFly to open the file referred to. * Program can now export and import abc data as tab-delimited text for exchange with an external database. * Accidentals in gracenote beams now draw properly. * Bowing marks written before gracenote braces no longer give the player problems.
The Ceilidh Trail School of Music is a week-long intensive taught by top Cape Breton and Scottish fiddlers, guitar players and stepdancers. I am personally still processing what I learned there 2 years ago from fiddlers Buddy MacMaster, Jerry Holland and Seamus Connelly, and from guitarist Paul MacDonald. This year's schedule has just been posted. Check it out...
Bill Black is a musician and poet whose contributions to the IRTRAD mailing list provide a welcome touch of humour - you can read them at his home page.
Celtic and Celtic-influenced music are in the sights for both the CBC and CTV (Baton). The Nine O'Clock show debuts tonight on CBC at 9:00 PM (OK, so that was a little obvious), with Leahy featured, and Rita MacNeil's Celtic Celebration airs on Baton-CTV this Sunday, March 8th, at 7pm, for 1 hour. Next Sunday the CBC is doing its own, Rita-less, Celtic variety extravaganza, "Celtic Electric." (thanks to Kimberly Wotherspoon for those).
From Paul Cranford:
If you check out Jerry Holland's Web site you will see that we have started a new feature ... TUNE OF THE MONTH ... which gives a Holland original in standard notation as a GIF. I think that each month we should also present these tunes as ABCs. That would to generate interest in both standard notation in ABCs... at the same time it would be good PR for Jerry. I plan to do the same for Brenda Stubbert.
On the subject of the abc notation, Henrik Norbeck writes:
I have now added indexes to my abc tune collection, both an index of titles, and an index of the first two bars of each tune. Many of you will probably find this useful. My tune collection is at: http://home1.swipnet.se/~w-11382/abc.htm and now has nearly 1400 tunes in abc format. If you feel like helping me, you can check out the "no name" department of the index and see if there are any tunes that you have titles for.
For fans of Irish Bouzouki/cittern/octave mandolin, check out some pictures of Steven Owsley Smith's work - unbelievably gorgeous instruments...
Feb 6
According to MacInTouch Apple computer made a big splash at NAMM - the music industry tradeshow.
Spirit of the West is at the Horseshoe all this week - advance tickets are sold out, but there are some tickets at the door, apparently.
Over the next couple of weeks, I will be making some changes in the organization of this site, hopefully to make it both easier to maintain and easier to navigate.
I get fan mail! (occasionally.) This is from David Harris:
Just a note to say your page is great! The instruments links have been a big help. Without scouring every music store in the city to confirm it, it looks like I might have gotten the last low D whistle in stock anywhere, from the Recorder Centre.Then I went up to see Peter Cox on Wednesday, and I've ordered a bouzouki (yes, I'm obsessed). I'm really impressed with the playability and solidness of his instruments, especially compared to what I was previously able to find in the area -- and even more so for the price. If I get really out of control, I might even order a mandolin ... $300 for a handmade instrument? Isn't that around what you'd pay for a Korean import?
Without your page, I'd be running around to all the mainstream music stores and finding nothing, so thanks for your efforts.
David Harris
Jan 29
Jan 22
This from George Keith on the fiddle list:
Apparently it had been mass-produced only about 100 years ago.
Yet _another_ case of mistaken stradavari.
They hope to have sessions every second and fourth Wednesday of the month. Contact David at David.Brister@eden.scbe.on.ca for info.
Jan 9
Irish fiddler Martin Wynne passed away (from Paul Keating):
Tentative dates for the 1998 Gaelic College in St Anne's, Cape Breton are:
June 28-July 3 - 1 week session (children & adult) July 5-17 - Session 1 - 2 weeks (ages 5-18) July 19-31 - Session 2 - 2 weeks (ages 5-18) Aug 2-7 - Session 3A - Adults Aug 9-14 - Session 3B - Adults Aug 16-21 - Session 3C - Adults Aug 23-28 - Gaelic Immersion (all levels) Aug 28-Sept 4 - "Our Fibre Heritage" (weaving, etc.) No dates for the Gaelic Mod or Highland Gathering.
There is also a March Break camp:
Our annual March Break Workshop will run three days beginning March 13 (registration from 4pm to 8pm) and continuing through to the 16th. Day students may register at 8:30 am on Saturday the 14th. There will be six 1 hour classes per day for all levels (beginner to advanced) beginning at 9:15 each morning and ending at 4:30 pm. Workshop fees are as follows (15% HST included): Live-in students - $183.75 (tuition, room & board); Day students - $103.50 (tuition and lunch); or $11.50 per class. Application forms are available now and must be returned to the College by March 10th. For more information or to be added to our mailing list: Gaelic College P.O. Box 9 Baddeck, NS B0E 1B0 Canada Phone: (902) 295-3411 Fax: (902) 295-2912 E-mail: gaelcoll@atcon.comThe FIDDLE-L internet mailing list now has a web page.
Apparently Green Linnet is having a sale (from Tim Ross):
Jan 2
Happy New Year to all. The Flying Cloud Folk Club's Winter/Spring Calendar is now available online, and they have a number of Celtic events of interest - I have put the listings on the events page, but go look for details in their page.
Thirty Below is reportedly a good source for Quebecois music.
Sessions at Dora Keogh's are still going strong, but only on Thursday nights and Sunday afternoons. Great craic (but smokey, and those @&#! stools...)
Old-time fiddler John Hartford has a website. He has just announced a 3 day Fiddler's Retreat featuring Old time fiddling workshops and seminars at his house.
"Come join us this February in Madison, Tenn. (just outside Nashville) = for fiddle workshops in the home of Old time fiddler, entertainer, and = recording artist John Hartford, and his wife Marie, on the banks of the Cumberland River. This is an opportunity to learn tunes and techniques in an intimate setting."
Date: February 13,14, and 15 Tuition is $295.00 and includes Southern Home Cooking
For more information, please check on John's website at http://www.techpublishing.com/hartford/index.html or contact John or Marie Hartford at P.O. Box 443, Madison, TN 37116 or call 615-868-5628 or fax 615-868-7446
Thanks to Allan Walker:
This link to the Richard Wood article in the Toronto Star back issue archive should be good for a few weeks:
From Moran Dan on the CB list:
Thought any folks interested in 'things Gaelic' would like to know about the B and R Heritage website. They have lots of Gaelic teaching tools and lots of Gaelic music recordings including their latest release 'Or Cheap Breatuinn - Cape Breton's Gaelic Gold'
Dec 25
Merry Christmas! I have put a copy of BarFly v1.0d14 up on this site for those who are having difficulty getting it from Ceolas. I may not get much chance to add more info until the new year - if not, happy holidays to all!.
Dec 22
I have put up a separate page with further info on the 7th annual Chris Langan Weekend of traditional Irish music, song and dance.
Dec 14
Some reviews in Toronto Irish News (available gratis at local Irish pubs and events) that are worth a look: Morgaine LeFay's latest CD "Up She Flew!", Puirt a Baroque's Kinloch's Fantasy, and a bio of local ceili band The Inishowen Band.
The nominations for the East Coast Music Awards have been announced. Some details on nominations are in a Canoe.ca article.
Dec 5
A review of Natalie MacMaster's recent concert at the Glenn Gould Studio.
Also, from Natalie's manager:
Natalie begins working on a new recording in Cape Breton this week. It will be a very traditional recording in the Cape Breton style. Confirmed players for the sessions include, Dave MacIsaac (guitar), Joel Chiasson (piano), Gordie Sampson (guitar), Tracey Dares (piano). The recording will be done only over a few days and recorded in Cape Breton.
As to the release of this recording...Canada: March/April....USA: April/May.....UK/Europe: April/May.
No title yet.
Sound Sculptor II is a shareware sound sampling and editing program for the Macintosh.
From Alanna Musselman:
WARSAW (Reuters) - Polish border guards checking for smuggled cigarettes or alcohol found what may be a rare Stradivarius violin hidden on a train entering Germany, a spokesman said Tuesday. "It has characteristics and inscriptions which clearly suggest this is either an original Stradivarius or an excellent copy," Captain Piotr Zakowiak of the Lubusz border guards said.
"It probably comes from the start of