Calf Roping
How to: Steps 1 - 6
Step 1: Throw calf to side, pin down with knees.
Step2: Hold piggin tie in a loop, grasping the end with excess string. Put two front fingers around the whole loop, and the other two fingers in between the loop and the rope.
Step 3: Place left hand around the calf's front kneecap - hold it tight. Put right leg behind the calf, hold down hard. Grasp the rope- put it over the left leg, and pull tight. Then throw the rest of the rope out into the dirt.
Step 4: Slide over the calf- move right leg behind, with the leg resting on it's thigh. Bend left leg at knee, stretch right leg out straight to his feet.
Step 5: Pick the bottom leg up, bringing it to the front leg. Hold legs firm, wrap cord around all legs twice- then whip it around the bottom two once. Bring the string up through the bottom and pull tight.
Step 6: Throw hands in the air and step away.