"Where your treasure is, there will be your heart also. "
Matthew 6:21

~Poetry Den~

This picture was given to me by my brobud, Calvin!

She casts her spell
with hook and thread,
and weaves the dreams
within her head.

With care each stitch
is deftly made;
new thoughts are born
as old ones fade.

The pattern holds
her mirrored soul-
life interlocked
to form a whole.

Just busy work
to some, it seems;
they cannot see
she weaves her dreams.


Life flows through a continued path
Two steps forward, three steps back.

Like the spider that climbs up a water spout
When the rain comes down, it washes that spider out.
The spider start up from the bottom once again
Believing as it climbs all the way back to the top,
That once it obtains that long awaited goal,
Life will then be so meaningful.
And people are in a constant tug of war
Full of uncertainity as to what they are fighting for.
Playing life like a puzzle thats never been solved before,
Always striving for a whole lot more.
Life flows through a continued path
Two steps forward or three steps back?

dg 4-89

The cry of the soul within.

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[Diane's Haven II.] [Diane's Haven I.]