Chrissy - 10/06/00 05:27:27 My URL: My Where are you from?: Mighigan How did you find us?: surfing | Comments: I enjoyed visiting your site today Feel free to visit my country music site and post a link to yours while you're there. Take Care Chrissy |
Jan - 09/18/00 02:03:05 My Where are you from?: WI How did you find us?: another web site | Comments: |
Karen - 09/13/00 00:01:47 My URL: Where are you from?: Canada How did you find us?: another guestbook | Comments: Great Homepage... |
Betty Marshall - 08/21/00 19:58:25 My Where are you from?: Virginia How did you find us?: by LUCK, cwdancing search | Comments: I like what I see so far, can't wait to get into everywhere. We have a group that linedance and I have sent this to them too. Thanks for the site! BJ |
Lady Paula - 07/25/00 11:58:48 My URL: | Comments: Come by for a cup of tea! |