Stan and Kyle's Clubhouse

If You Don't Like Stan or Kyle,

Then Check Out Cartman and Kenny's Treehouse!!!

Cartman and Kenny's Treehouse

Stan Marsh

He the normal, average-American, mixed-up kid. He dates Wendy Testaburger, but he throws up every time she talks to him. He is the South Park Elementary Cows star Quarterback, has a gay dog named Sparky, and an older sister named Shelly, who beats him senseless. His aging grandfather, also lives with him and continually tries to pressure Stan into killing him. Every episode he announces Kenny's death by saying "Oh my god, they killed Kenny!"

Kyle Brofslovski

He is the smart one. Everyone makes fun of him because he is Jewish. At Christmas he plays with his "imaginary" friend Mr. Hanky the Christmas Poo. He owns an elephant and has tried to mate it with Cartman's pig, Fluffy to form a new species of Pot-Bellied Elephants. Each week he announced that Kenny's killers are Bastards.

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