YEEEEHHHAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Welcome to the WildAngel Saloon where every night is a grope night!!!!! ~BAS~ Gropeing is no longer just for Thursdays....If ya have the urge to take a grope, just come on over!!~hehehehe~

Looks like Deb and Rough aren't wasting any time...(Deb's mom, Katie invented the grope)....Gawd bless her...hehe....Anyways, Katie does her gropeing on Mikey.....(not that I blame her..~winks@KK~.....Hmmm...Look at S&S...She has Brew in the full frontal grope...~kiddies..Don't try that one at home~....Scott and Nancy do some real life gropeing..=)...They met on here and are now a RL couple...~~pssstt Nan~ ~~watch out for Squid Boy's tentacles...hehehe~~=P=P

Oh..and..I do my gropeing on Scott's *RL* brother, Jon...He introduced us a month or so ago, and since then..Ive been ONE happy groper...~~VBG~~

Hehehehe....look at Okie over there trying to sneak a grope on Kiara...errr...AG...errr LeftHalf..~G~...Looks like he may have succeded...cause Kiara sure is grinning....~LOL~...

Moving on.....~nods to the bar where Sara and Doc Gil are goofing off~...My big sis, Sara has her very own real life guy to grope...lucky her,huh? ~G~.....I do declah....Is that Tena I see looking over the groper's and gropee's logs?? Yuppers...Has to be her...'cause I see the bottle of Absolut sticking out of the boot pillow....~LOL~.....Tena is in charge of pairing up our single gropers and gropees to guarantee everyone gets a grope....hehehe~

BTW.....Unless Nels learns to control his crabs(Ummmmmmm, does that sound right???) and stop teasing me about my eyes...NO GROPES FOR HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!So, ~=p~

Hmmmm....Looks like we have a few wondering gropers around here....HEY!!!!!!! ~nods at Dolphin,Doc, and Jen(aka WildHoney)~..Pssssstttt Sis..Try to do a double grope...~hehehe~....

Now...Maybe I should explain gropeing to ya'll:
1. All gropes MUST last at least 30 seconds.
2. Gropes may be from the front or back.(see prior paragraph)
3. After each grope, you must have a shot of JD..(J/K...~wink~)
4. And, most important of all.......HAVE A BLAST !!!!!!

Well, I'd tell ya more about the great game o' grope, but I have some gropeing of my own to do....~winks~....~hehehe~...Ya'll have fun and take care!!!~hugsandkisses all around~

(And, don't forget to log all gropes in the Groper's Log down at the botton of the page...Wouldn't want Tena to get mad, now would ya?????~G~)

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