
“The Spring Rendezvous”

to be held in the main arena at the

Strang Riding Centre for the Disabled

Stephenson, District 12, Washington, Tyne and Wear

Fri 28th, Sat 29th, Sun 30th  April and Mon 1st May

*Artistes  Appearing*

Jim Ryder * Picasso Bros. * Jim Worton * Steve Hanks Trio * Crazy River Band * Graham Broughton Trio * Bandolero * Just for Kicks * Little Rock * Dillinger * John C King Band * Dez Walters Band * Corndogs * Daytona * The Honest Truth * Circuit Judge * Rick McKay Band * The Last of the Breed * John Permenter U.S.A

Sound Comes Via "Steve Elliott" Sound Productions * Line Dance Tuition by "Simply the West" * All under the beady eyes of comperes "Big Ken" and "Dixie Bob" *For the O.K. Corral see the "Earps"  *  24 Hour Security * Bar * Restaurant * Stalls * Two Dance Floors * All Indoors * Disabled & Regular Toilets on site * St Johns Ambulance * Free Camping and Caravanning * Showers * All indoors


Name…………………………………………….  Syd or Margaret Thomas

Address……………………………………………12 Surrey Street

…………………………………………………… Jarrow

…………………………………………………… Tyne & Wear

Post Code………………Tel:………………….    NE32 5SB  --- 0191 421 2659

No of tickets required:…………………………. Disabled…………………….       

Pre-booked Adult £35.00 / Door £40.00   Child 10-16 half price    under10 Free

Non returnable deposit of £15.00 per person

Balance in 1. 2. 3. 4. ( we don’t mind if it helps) by the1st of April.

Pay The Red Bandana. S.A.E. please. Limited numbers book early.

Email Syd

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