to be held in the main arena at the
Stephenson, District 12, Washington, Tyne and Wear
Sound Comes Via "Steve Elliott" Sound Productions * Line Dance Tuition by "Simply the West" * All under the beady eyes of comperes "Big Ken" and "Dixie Bob" * For the O.K. Corral see the "Earps" * 24 Hour Security * Bar * Restaurant * Stalls * Two Dance Floors * All Indoors * Disabled & Regular Toilets on site * St Johns Ambulance * Free Camping and Caravanning * Showers * All indoors
Name……………………………………………. Syd or Margaret Thomas
Address……………………………………………12 Surrey Street
…………………………………………………… Jarrow
…………………………………………………… Tyne & Wear
Post Code………………Tel:…………………. NE32 5SB --- 0191 421 2659
No of tickets required:…………………………. Disabled…………………….
Pre-booked Adult £35.00 / Door £40.00 Child 10-16 half price under10 Free
Non returnable deposit of £15.00 per person
Balance in 1. 2. 3. 4. ( we don’t mind if it helps) by the1st of September.
Pay The Red Bandana. S.A.E. please. Limited numbers book early.