"I guess when you can't beat the other team you have to resort to name calling. Sticks and stones may break my bones but a Clemens heater is a Piazza beater."

-- Mikey Stew on the Mets --

A few random sports shorts...

-- JB (St. Pete, August 8, 2000)

-- Mikey Stew (Nyack, July 9, 2000)

(Valley Cottage, July 10, 2000) Doc: This is the kind of BS I expect to hear from Yankee fans who think their team can do no wrong. Clemens is a shit and has always been a shit. Anybody who played for the Red Sox and remembers the name Tony Conigliaro should show some remorse about hitting someone in the head with a fastball.

I can only imagine all the moronic Yankee fans that would be calling the FAN if things were reversed and it was Derek Jeter that got beaned by Al Leiter.

It should be noted that the almighty Yankees got ALL the breaks in this series and that all four games were as closely contested as possible -- seems the gap between the World Chumps and the rest of the league has gotten smaller. The Yankees should be thankful that they play in the AL East, which has become one of the weakest divisions in baseball.

Piazza is a better hitter than ANY Yankee, including Bernie Williams and Derek Jeter. And let's look at the trophy cases and count the gold gloves before we herald Brosius as a better fielder than Robin Ventura.

I'm glad that Piazza said what he said -- now maybe MLB will come to its senses and do away with the idiotic DH rule that has poisoned the sport for all these years. Let's put the fat head of Roger Clemens in the line of fire, too, and see if he thinks twice before throwing some chin music. Fair is fair. Taking the inside of the plate away from hitters may be part of baseball, but at least the National League pitchers do it as MEN, not as little WIMPS.

I guess the only comments that Yankee fans can muster about Derek Bell are sophmoric insults about his looks, since he obviously outplayed Paul O'Neill for this 4-game series (and is a much better dancer).

For the record, just because Mike Piazza played for the Dodgers does not mean he's from California. I guess this way of thinking means that Yankee fans will be stupid enough to vote for Hillary Clinton, assuming she must be from New York if she's running for the NY Senate seat.

Oh -- did I mention that Roger Clemens is, and always has been, a shit?

(Nyack, July 10, 2000) Stew: Met fans always take everything so seriously. Especially where God (I meant to say Piazza) is concerned. No one likes to see a guy get beaned but to think that he hit him in the head intentionally is pure lunacy. He got hit. It sucked. Get over it.

And it looks like a team from the worst division in baseball can still beat the Mets.

Bell better be a good dresser. He probably hopes no one will notice his face that way.

The Mets wouldn't let the Yankees use their weight room on Sunday. I guess that means the Yanks are meanies and they can't play with the Mets toys any anymore. So there.

Jeter would have been smart enough to duck.

I do believe all that crying sets the Mets apart from the men.

I guess when you can't beat the other team you have to resort to name calling. Sticks and stones may break my bones but a Clemens heater is a Piazza beater.

-- JB (St. Pete, July 2, 2000)--

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