Michael's church blessings......

I'd like to thank Brian Bell for most all you will read on this page....he's the pastor of our church Calvary Chapel Murrieta....he's a real man of God...one of God's most faithful and annointed servants....

to learn more about God's love for you.......just ask me......

  • jesus is the visible expression of the invisible god....

  • jesus is the glue of life...

  • the head of the church was purchased with his blood...

  • american by birth, christian by the grace of god...

  • the big print giveth, and the little print taketh away...

  • amen means "so be it"

  • christian life is....grounded, growing, and grateful

  • my goal is god, not joy, not happiness, not treasures, but god himself...

  • do you light a candle so that it may be comfortable, or to give off light...

  • you are forgiven ALL trespasses...

  • the bible was written in such a way that a child may understand it...

  • god can not lie..

  • cut the cords that bind you to this earth..

  • success is knowing god's will, and being in the center of it...

  • we must be addicted to prayer...

  • thankfulness is the soil in which joy grows...

  • teachers must instruct the mind, stir the heart, and motivate the will...

  • a friend is somebody that walks in when everybody else has left...

  • if you face the light, the shadows fall behind you...

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