.........Poetry by Jeanne Sweeney........

Reach the Goal

You chose me--what an awesome thought,
To be called Your elect-one of Your chosen few.
Thank You my God, for loving me so, and sanctifying
Me through Your spirit--so I may be obedient to Christ.

My Father, I praise You and Your great mercy
You alone have given me such hope for a new life.
Raising Your Son Jesus from the dead--now in heaven with You
So that my faith in Him assures me of Your power O my God.

I am alive--newly born through Your Son Jesus Christ...
I now can inherit a place beside You Awesome God
My place I'm assured will not perish, spoil, or fade
You will keep it forever for me--Your chosen child.

My Lord as I remain here in flesh I rejoice each day...
Though my grief, trials and sufferings are great
I rest assured they come to build and strengthen my faith...
Greater than all the gold in the world it will not end...

Oh Mighty God, I take each trial and suffering in my life,
knowing that the outcome of each and every one
can serve to either honor and glorify You, or to
Disappoint and dishonor You--Which will I do?

I know my faithful God I love You and Believe Jesus is my Lord
Though I've seen Him not, I feel His presence all around me...
I am filled with an all consuming joy through Him and His love...
As I make the choice, honor God, water my faith, reach my goal.--
The salvation of my Soul....


Your Book

I came to meet You today...
Through the pages of Your Book.
You were there, as You have promised.
Alive and all consuming in each page.
What a wonderful gift You give
Your love, gentleness, grace and mercy
wrapped in the words of Your Story, Your Truth.
As Your plan, so glorious unfolds to me...

I can come to You each and every time
As long as I open that sacred Book of Thine.
So much love in store for all of us to receive,
The gift of Your only Son to save us for eternity.

Oh, the love I have felt in each and every Word.
The gentle prodding, the reminders, the discipline...
It's all there, in You, Your book, the love of a heavenly Father...
Who gave all that He had for the eternal life of my soul.

Oh my Lord, I pray I never lose the desire
To meet with You each morning, noon & night.
And feel You with me as I pray and I read
the pages alive with Your Words--that are to me my sanctity!


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