Ca. cowboy's help page

I don't claim to know a lot about all this computer stuff, but i have been asked questions in the chatrooms that are easy enough to explain, but it takes forever to type some of these explanations. So what i'm trying to tell you is that i'm too lazy to type this stuff all the time, hence here comes a help page, hope it helps you out....

First of all you need to understand that anytime you give a HTML tag (a command you give the computer) you have to use......

<(....ya put the tag in here....)>

this tells your computer to alter your tell it to stop altering the text you add a foreward slash, like this....

</(....ya put the same tag in here....)>

this tells it to go back to where it was now let's start.....

**note:( )parenthesis are used for info that you need to provide. please do not use the parenthesis (or anything that i have typed in them), in your codes....

Font Sizes

if ya type this: this is what you'll see:








or you can use the command

<font size=(1 through 20)>

1= small text, 20= large text
and with these ya close the font size with a



if ya want to change the color of the text you use the command ...
if ya type this: this is what you'll see:
<font color=red>(tips hat)</font> (tips hat)
<font color=white>(tips hat)</font> (tips hat)
<font color=blue>(tips hat)</font> (tips hat)
<font color=green>(tips hat)</font> (tips hat)
<font color=purple>(tips hat)</font> (tips hat)
<font color=teal>(tips hat)</font> (tips hat)

you can also do this with numbered colors numbered color chart
*This will open a new window for you*
and you use the same command

<font color=#??????>(the text in that ya want colored)</font>

You can stack as many tags on a "text" that ya want, but remember to close them out in the reverse order you put them in...example :

<center><i><b><font color=blue>(the text you are altering)<font></b></i></center>

(the text you are altering)

and if ya really want to get creative, you can go and download a program called CFazer (color blending program), and its free for the asking (last time i checked). You can find that program at*This will open a new window for you*.....and remember this...when you do have a creation that you like, you need to delete all the quote marks " ", or it won't work in the chat room....

now for some odds and ends...

ya probably figured out that you can add as many of these commaned to your text as you like, and you're right (as long as you close them, in the reverse order that you opened them in....)
if ya type this: this is what you'll see:
<b>bold</b> bold
<i>italics</i> italics
<u>underline</u> underline

if you're interested in making a link.....ya type in

<a href=(put the address of the link here)>(put what you want to call the link here)</a>

and if ya did it right it will come out as blue/underlined text....

Posting Pics

posting pics is not the hard part, ya just have to know from the start that the pic that you want to post, MUST BE ONLINE (not just in your hard drive....i.e. a homepage, space that your server has for you to use...etc....

to post the pic you type ......

<img src=(the address where the pic is saved)>

Here's a page i put together (with some help from my friends) to help you keep yerself protected Chatters Protection Page*This will open another window for you.*

well i'll get back in here and add some more stuff when i get time...hope it helps ya some.....if you have any questions you can get me on ICQ at #8745694, or you can e-mail me...if i don't know the answer, i'll find someone that does.....(tips hat)
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