THE BARONESS AND THE LIEUTENANT: LOVE AND ESPIONAGE IN WAR-TIME CHATTANOOGA, 1917-1918 Chattanooga was as patriotic as any city in America during
World War I. Citizens made significant sacrifices "to make the world safe
for democracy." Americans were also alert to the presence of spies who
could sabotage the war effort. Congress passed the Espionage Act on June 15,
1917. The law provided stiff penalties for those found guilty of aiding the
German enemy and increased public rancor toward Germany and all things
German. Anti-German passions were strong in Tennessee. For example, on
December 19, 1917, in Chattanooga the famous evangelist Billy Sunday told a
standing room only audience about the war: "I know how it will end. I know
that God is on our side....not on the side of the Germans...who...perpetrate
such crimes as the Germans have on the women of France and Belgium." He was
attacked on-stage by three pro-German men "said to be allies of the
Hun." There were cries of "'Lynch him,'" but the police arrived
to quell a what was becoming a riot. In mid-January, 1918, it was reported in
the Chattanooga News that the renowned Dr. Kunwald, director of the
Cincinnati Symphony orchestra, had been arrested by military authorities. He was
held as a suspect German provocateur at Fort Oglethorpe. In May 1918 the
Knoxville school board unanimously voted to remove the study of German language
from the public high school curriculum. In August 1918 the Nashville the
Tennessean editorialized that the "alliance between the brewers'
organization and German-American disloyalty has been the closest...and the
interests of the one are the interests of the other. The brewers of this country
are almost entirely German or of German parentage..." It was against this backdrop of anti-German patriotism that an
espionage prosecution developed in Chattanooga. The provocative and seductive
story of the Baroness and the Lieutenant was played out in Chattanooga and
Knoxville in the winter of 1917-1918. Fort Oglethorpe, just south of Chattanooga, was a major
induction and training center, important to the war effort. Any effort to spy
upon or disturb the movement of "Sammies" to fight the Kaiser would be
considered an act of espionage. On December 5, 1917, the Baroness Lona Shope Wilhelmina Sutton
Zollner of New York City, the spouse of a captain in the German army, stopped in
Chattanooga. She was ostensibly on a train trip to Florida. She registered at
the Hotel Patten. She signed the register "Baroness Lona Zollner,"
making no attempt to conceal her Teutonic ties. As the Chattanooga Daily
News put it: "Eyes were turned in her direction whenever she passed
through the lobby or sat on the mezzanine." Soon after the Baroness arrived in Chattanooga, Lieutenant John
William Spaulidng, stationed at Fort Oglethorpe and assigned to the Sixth United
States Infantry, checked into the same hotel. He became "a frequent visitor
in the city." The two even made trips to Fort Oglethorpe so Spaulidng could
introduce her to his friends. Their love affair was not unnoticed by either the
local constabulary or the U.S. Marshall's Office. Shortly after midnight on December 13, both the Baroness and
Lieutenant J.W. Spaulding were arrested in her room at the Hotel Patten. She was
"partly disrobed," while her paramour was discovered "hidden
under her bed and only partially clad." The baroness claimed the Lieutenant
was her brother. The couple was taken to Judge O.G. Stone at police headquarters
and charged with indecent and immoral behavior. They were released on bond. After her release the baroness registered at the Park hotel.
She and Lieutenant Spaulidng planned to continue their liaisons but the baroness
was arrested by U.S. marshalls and incarcerated in the Hamilton county jail on
December 15. Bond was denied. She was charged with being a dangerous alien who
had visited Fort Oglethorpe for an undisclosed but nevertheless "dangerous
purpose." United States District Attorney William T. Kennerly, based in
Knoxville, had been kept advised of the goings and comings of the baroness by
United States Marshal J.R. Thompson. She was to be held until December 22 when
she was to be interrogated by United States Commissioner S. J. McAllester.
According to the Chattanooga Sunday Times, Kennerly had learned that the
baroness "frequently visited the camp at Oglethorpe...danced with the
officers and probably has more than one under her spell....other
activities...establish proof that she is a dangerous person, which [will be]
reveal[ed] at the hearing." The baroness was "a striking personage...of winning manner
and voluptuous figure. She is vivacious, a characteristic that evidenced itself
even while under the fire of the examination...." Certainly "she would
be able to charm secrets out of army officers or others she might get under her
spell." Government officials were quoted as saying: "If this woman has
not yet succeeded in wringing information of value from young officers [it is
because]...they know nothing or because she does not want to learn
them." She granted an interview to a Daily Times reporter. She
was warmed from the chilly jail cell by a handsome set of furs drawn tightly
over her shoulders. "Between intermittent sobs she talked freely of the
charges against her, hysterically denying any relations with the German
government." According to the careworn and fatigued baroness: My God, the ignominy of this affair....To think I have done
everything for my country, and not anything against it....and now I am being
held here a prisoner ....This thing will kill me if it injures my dear boy [at
Annapolis], for I have nothing to fear myself. Her personal effects were gathered in the cell. "On a
bench was a package of cigarettes and the prisoner smoked as she talked. 'I
learned to smoke while in the old country. Society women in New York smoke and
we think nothing of indulging. Smoking is very soothing....Before coming to
Tennessee I did not know that a 'bone dry' law made the brining of whisky into
the state a criminal offense," she said. "We have our wine at home and
whisky has been prescribed for me by my physician." Her interest in Lieutenant Spaulidng was obvious and she made
no attempt to conceal her affection for the young soldier. She said "he was
a dear, sweet boy, and to safeguard him she gave him a letter in which she asked
of the Germans should he fall into their hands, that they at least be kind to
him." "'Don't you think it is very cruel,' she asked the
reporter, 'to keep me in this dreadful place? My God, boy, do you think if I was
guilty of an incriminating act that I would have come to this city and
registered in the name of Baroness Zollner?" She agreed that her coming to
Chattanooga was very foolish. "'It is true,' she said, 'that my an officer in the German army.'" At one point in the interview
the baroness "reached for a magazine, and a roach ran from under the cover.
"'Oh, these horrible bugs,' she exclaimed. 'And to think I must sleep here
tonight. This will be impossible!'" The baroness lived in a restricted zone in Washington, D.C.,
that was set aside for enemy aliens. Zone residents were under constant
surveillance by the Secret Service. The baroness also lived in opulent
surroundings on New York City's Madison Avenue. She was born in the United
States, and was "apparently supplied with an abundance of money." One
of her deceased husbands was a Bavarian baron, hence her title. She lived in
England for a number of years, had sailed around the globe, and was the owner of
a vast rubber plantation near Singapore. She continued to insist that the Lieutenant was just a close
family friend, but admitted her "partly disrobed" appearance when the
hotel detective entered her room. Lieutenant Spaulidng had only come into her
room to get an aspirin tablet. "There was nothing unusual about the
Lieutenant being in her room" the baroness affirmed. He had proposed
marriage to her and he had come to her room to discuss matrimonial matters. They
quarreled and she "took a spell with her heart and fell asleep, to be
awakened by the house detective. Spaulidng was under the bed, and he had his
clothes with him." She explained that he hid under the bed because "he
would compromise her if found there at that hour of the night -- it was about 2
[sic] in the morning." Even with such admissions the Baroness
"stated that at no time had her conduct been other than that of a
lady." It is doubtful anyone believed her and there was evidence
indicating the baroness was a spy. One of her letters was addressed to a
Knoxville woman who was married to a "dangerous alien." Other
documents found in her room was apparently in some sort of cipher and seemed to
address the sailing times and ports departure of various ships. According to a
newspaper report: "The young officer has been under the spell of the woman,
or else in reality [is] a friend in the strangest and most mysterious
circumstances [known here] for some years." The baroness and the lieutenant
had been the objects of a long standing and ongoing investigation for more than
a year before their affair was uncovered in Chattanooga. According to the New
York Times: "She said she had been investigated at Washington and
Annapolis, and was permitted to move about under the known status of an enemy
alien." Baroness Zollner retained local attorney C. C. Abernathy to
defend her. His plea for a writ of habeas corpus was buoyed by the news
that the baroness had suffered a nervous breakdown. She was now under a
physicianˇ¦s care. Since being confined in the Hamilton County jail cell
she slept uncomfortably in a chair, refusing to sleep on the infested prison
cot. Her request for a writ of habeas corpus was refused. In the meantime, Lieutenant Spaulidng was under arrest and
confined at Fort Oglethorpe. Federal officers wanted him as a witness at the
hearing. Lieutenant Spaulidng was to face a courts-martial for violation of the
sixty-first article of war that dealt with personal conduct. "The
circumstances of his arrest in Baroness Zollner's room," read an article in
the Chattanooga Daily Times "hidden under the bed and only partially investigated even...[if it is] determined that he is innocent
of intrigue with an alien enemy." The hearing on the 22nd lasted eleven hours. Baroness Zollner
was called to the stand in a weak condition, and for more than an hour her voice
was barely audible. As the inquiry moved forward she grew spirited. Kennerly
charged that she was an enemy alien because of her two marriages to German army
officer Major von Kolberg, whom she divorced due to his "disgrace because
of his degeneracy" and to Captain Zollner. She was introduced to the German
General Staff as a consequence of her marriage to von Kolberg. Worse than that,
she had been presented to the Kaiser and the Kaiserin. Kennerly disclosed that
she had made the acquaintances of prominent officials in the German and American
armies, and a U.S. Representative and officials of the bureau of inspection. It
did not look good for the baroness. Adding to the intrigue of her drama was testimony concerning
her visits to Monte Carlo, Nice, Jahore, and ownership of vast property holdings
in Maylasia. Light was shed on her influence with British Major General Sir
Alfred Turner. In 1914 she persuaded Turner to release Captain Zollner from a
prison camp. She told of the captain's subsequent movements from England to
America to Germany. Before American entry into the war she accompanied and
coached Baron Von Loevenfeldt who, was on an American speaking tour at Andrew
Carnegie's invitation. The baroness testified that she helped Spaulidng pass his
qualifying examination for officer's candidate school. They met at Annapolis,
Maryland, in late 1916. He would be dismissed from the Naval Academy in February
1917. She advanced Spaulidng money for lodging and railroad tickets. They met on
a number of occasions at Ocean Shores, N.J., and Washington, D.C. The
beleaguered, badgered, besieged, buffeted and bothered Baroness was in to
Washington on several occasions to see Spaulidng after he attained his
lieutenancy. Kennerly delved deeper into her rendezvous with Spaulidng at
the Patten hotel. She maintained that at "no time had her conduct been
other than that of a lady." The United States District Attorney honed in on her recent
liaisons with the lieutenant: Do you mean to say that you have had no immoral relations with
Spaulidng?/I have not./He was found in your room wasn't
he?/He was./He was disrobed, was he not? and you were only partly
dressed. How do you explain that?/I had quarreled with Mr. Spaulidng and
he returned to my room when I was in the act of retiring. He stated that he was
going to stay all night. I told him he had better not. I was stricken with one
of my spells, and laid down dressed as I was. I was awakened by a knock on the
door. Lieutenant Spaulidng was still in the room./You stated that you
knew nothing of Mr. Spaulidng undressing?/No./You knew he intended
staying all night?/Yes./You didn't put him out, did
you?/No./You say you have no recollection of what he had on, but
you remember that you both dressed so you could be taken to police
headquarters?/Yes./He spoke to you in endearing tones, did he not,
saying: "When are you going to get your divorce, dearie?"/I do
not remember. The only mention of the words "German spy," came in a
telegram from federal operatives in Boston. Spectators were aghast. The telegram
indicated the Baroness's sister-in-law claimed her husband knew his sister, the
baroness, was a spy and that he himself had furnished her with information from
a cantonment in Massachusetts. The baroness explained that her reproachful brother was an
alcoholic. She had refused to continue subsidizing his drug dependency and
refused to aid her brother's former wife, whom he divorced because of her own
impecunious condition. Her ex-sister-in-law, explained the baroness, was
motivated by spite and revenge. The prosecution endeavored then to show that the baroness's
friendship with military and government officials was for the purpose of
furthering her "activities as a servant of the German government." She
was a dangerous enemy alien required to inform intelligence services of her
whereabouts or lose her freedom to travel. While she had permission to visit
Chattanooga, she had no permission to visit Fort Oglethorpe. She admitted going
to the fort twice. This was the only tangible evidence of any possible violation
of the Espionage Act. Julian B. Shope, the New York lawyer, and brother of
Charles Warren Shope, Baroness Zollner's first husband, testified as to her good
character. When the proceedings recessed the baroness was taken back to her
cell. Her only visitor was her son. The inquiry continued on Christmas Eve
Day. In court the next day Kennerly introduced new evidence, letters
between Bedford Shope and his mother. One "letter described the rough roads
to and from Fort Oglethorpe, the 'abysmal topography' of the land contiguous to
the cantonment, and their 'rough huts' erected for the soldiers with their small
iron bed furnishings." Kennerly seemed to be stretching his point that this
was concrete evidence of her guilt as a spy. Other information gleaned from the hearing was sensational.
Attorney Abernathy attributed the baroness's transgressions to Lieutenant
Spaulidng, a "fool boy" who was madly infatuated with her. "Love
is blind" he told the court. Even though she was 44 and he was 22, no one
could say that they did not love each other. It was Spaulidng who was
responsible for the woman's humiliation, for the complex situation she found
herself in in Chattanooga. The defense concluded noting that the baroness had a
little daughter, Nonie, back in New York who missed her mother. Abernathy's
courtroom voice was so overcome with pity that "he stopped off short and
tears appeared in the eyes of the defendant." Composing himself, the defense attorney narrated the
permutations of her life. Born the daughter of an eccentric german-millionaire,
Wilhlem Pickhardt, in New York City, whose $3,000,000 brown stone mansion at the
corner of Seventy-fourth and Madison in New York ("Pickhardt's Folly")
had been demolished to make way for a business building. She owned real estate
all over the globe, was a world traveler, had married five times, had won the
trust of high level officials in Germany, England and America, and she was
related to the Roosevelt family by marriage. She was pro-ally. In 1916, for
example, the baroness gave an entertainment in New York for the benefit the
orphans of French soldiers. She vigorously denied the charges of espionage. Lieutenant Spaulidng was the next witness. He testified that he
loved the baroness and believed she loved him too. He acknowledged that he had
given her a code to enable her to keep up with his movements should he ship out,
but it was the same code he gave his sister in Kansas. He wanted to marry the
baroness. He acknowledged having urged her to come to Chattanooga to be beside
him because he was "'proud' to have others see her with him." During Kennerly's cross-examination of Spaulidng it was learned
that the baroness was prone to having "melancholy spells" in which she
had attempted suicide. Aside from his love for the baroness Spaulidng had more
mercenary motivations, as Kennerly demonstrated: You contemplated marrying the baroness to get possession of her
rubber estate, didn't you? /I did sir. I was going to be her manager. She
offered me the position./When the house detective knocked on the
baroness's door at the Hotel Patten, where were you?'/I don't know. Under
the bed, I think./Were you on the bed before hand?/I was, sir.
Reclining there./Who got off the bed first. You or the baroness?/I
did, sir./What did you do?/I tried to find a place to hide,
sir. The courtroom reverberated with laughter. After the court recessed Commissioner McAllester held that
probable cause had been demonstrated. The baroness was held to the federal grand
jury without bail in the Hamilton count jail. There she remained incarcerated.
On New Year's Day, 1918, Judge Edward T. Sanford of the United States district
court in Knoxville granted a hearing of the writ of habeas corpus after hearing
her plea for bail on the 16th. Meanwhile the press in Knoxville was familiarizing the public
with the baroness. The Knoxville Journal and Tribune, for example,
reported the baroness was suffering not only from a nervous breakdown but also
with a severe sore throat. Late on January 7 it was announced that the
baroness's health was ebbing. The attending physician recommended that she be
allowed immediately to leave the jail cell "or the result will be
fatal." C. C. Abernathy claimed that her condition greatly had been
impaired and she was worsening every day. As the bond hearing approached the baroness was moved to
Knoxville. The effect of the long confinement in the Hamilton county jail was
perceptible. Her appearance was careworn and gaunt. "She stated that her
imprisonment" the Chattanooga News reported "on account of its
absolute injustice had seriously impaired her health and from an apparently
strong vivacious woman she has changed to a thin and weak one." The
distracted baroness was incapable of speaking above a whisper because of her
laryngitis. In the Knox county jail she conversed with newspaper reporters
and smoked cigarettes "to steady her nerves." She was courteous to
visitors and congenial in her rasping speech. She claimed confinement in jail
was the cause of her nervous breakdown. "She said she felt badly unnerved
and requested...a nurse or some good companion with whom she could talk and who
would cheer her in her depression." Both of her sons were in Knoxville to
support their mother. Reports said that Attorney Kennerly would introduce new
evidence to question the 100% Americanism of her sons, especially the
midshipman, Beresford Shope. Many female Knoxvillians were curious about the notable
baroness. For example, the police were called out to disperse "a crowd of
more than 200 persons who congregated...outside of a restaurant in which the
baroness was eating." Policemen had to clear a path through the crowd to
the taxi which was to take her to the county jail. "No malice was
manifested against the titled prisoner, the crowd being intent only upon seeing
her." Future incidents involving hostile women would accent the bond
hearing. At the hearing it was revealed that authorities had confiscated
a letter written by Beresford Shope the night of his graduation from the U.S.
Naval Academy preparatory school. In it he stated that he visited a senior
German-American citizen in Annapolis who ran a curio shop. From the elderly man
he learned the German national anthem. Even more damning was his statement he
was very proud to have learned to sing "the Prussian battle song."
Still more shocking as it was ridiculous was the report that "[f]rom the
early hours of night until the wee small hours of morning did young...[Shope]
sing 'Deutschland Uber Alles.'" At a few minutes after 9:00 A.M. on the 16th Baroness Zollner
took her seat at the bond bail hearing. She appeared well composed when she
entered the court room, but her hand twitched as she took the oath. District
Attorney Kennerly asked Judge Sanford to clear the standing-room-only courtroom
of all spectators and witnesses. The crowd of spectators, mostly women, who
Madame La Farge-like had brought their knitting, were annoyed. According to the
Knoxville Journal and Tribune: "The large number of society women
seemed especially disappointed at not being allowed to remain and hear the
evidence, and many of them waited outside the doors for hours hoping to get
another glimpse at the baroness, whose...auburn hair seemed to be the center of
attraction." Spaulidng was not brought to the hearing. There followed the by now hackneyed reiteration of her arrest
in the hotel room with the lieutenant. She admitted having been in touch with
Captain Zollner at least 15 times since he rejoined the German army in 1914. She
received thirty-six letters from him since that time. Still the baroness
proclaimed her complete loyalty to President Wilson and stoutly maintained that
she was innocent of any violation of the Espionage Act. Judge Sanford recessed
the court until 2:30. But the court did not resume because the Baroness was released
unexpectedly on $2,500 bond. Judge Sanford ruled that the personal letters
introduced as evidence were titillating and provocative but they but were
immaterial to the bail-bond case. Thus he had no recourse but to grant her
bail. Conditions placed upon the release of the Baroness Zollner
agreed to refrain from communicating with American military personnel and anyone
in Austria and Germany for the duration of the war. The only exception was her
son at the Naval Academy. She must live at her New York Madison Avenue address
and to notify District Attorney Kennerly of her whereabouts and actions twice
each week. She was not excused from her espionage trial to be held later in
Chattanooga. The baroness and her two sons left soon thereafter for
Chattanooga. Once back in Chattanooga, the Baroness Wilhelmina W. Sutton
Zollner was "radiantly happy, and very exuberant." According to one
newspaper report "Gone were the signs of the imprisoned woman, overshadowed
by the accusation of German spy....Youthfulness...and charm returned...."
The baroness harbored no acrimony, saying: "I cannot express my gratitude
nor my appreciation of the splendid treatment I have received....I...shall never
forget those who have been good to me, kind to me." She left Chattanooga
the January 21. Baroness Zollner never did stand trial. The evidence was
circumstantial. While the baroness enjoyed her freedom at her 780 Madison
Avenue address in New York her worst fear was realized -- her son, Beresford
Shope was forced to resign from the Naval Academy. According to the New York
Times he resigned "on account of letters written to his
mother...showing he was in sympathy with pro-German views." Baroness
Zollner remained under close federal observation and probably lived up to the
conditions of her bond. Lieutenant Spaulidng was courts martialed, found
innocent, served in Europe, was promoted to Captain, and settled later in Kansas
where he served with the National Guard. If the baroness was a spy she was hardly a Matta Hari. The
young lieutenant could scarcely be considered a fountainhead of military secrets
the German enemy might covet. Most likely the two were in love, but it was a
love destined to unravel in the intense anti-German climate of opinion in
America. Information on the fate of the baroness and the lieutenant in the
post-war world is sketchy at best, but if there were further intimacies it is
doubtful they took place in Chattanooga. If you have any further information concerning the Baroness or
the Lieutenant, please respond. Return to the Tennessee History Resource Page