Welcome to my homepage...I am Citrine3...my page is still under construction and I will be adding many more things...I hope you enjoy the page and PLEASE SIGN MY GUEST BOOK THANK YOU

Scott - 11/01/98 22:30:00
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/f/l/i/flipper34.html
My Email:flipper_blue@hotmail.com
what did you like best about this page: tributes to country music stars
are you male or female: male
what is your zodiac sign if known: libra
how did you find this page: surfed
Excellent page!!!

Susan - 10/12/98 06:24:19
My URL:http://www.greenapple.com/~tshumaker/
My Email:tshumaker@greenapple.com
what did you like best about this page: Music and pics were great!
what did you like least: Waiting for it to load up!!!
are you male or female: Guess
what would you like to see on this page: More pics of that cutie on the horse!
how did you find this page: Some strange lady told me about it?
I'll have to have you help me to update our page! It really was nicely done! BRAVO!!!! Loved the midi's! Take care girl! Gotta get together and kick a certain someone's butt in Honeymooner's Bridge! Bring him a crying towel, please!!! Love to ya!

- 10/05/98 01:53:15

Saued Off - 10/05/98 01:52:59
My URL:http://homepages.infoseek.com/~sauedoff/index.html
My Email:sauedoff@aol.com
what did you like best about this page: It was just great!!!!!!!!!!
what did you like least: it was very hard to read with the white background
are you male or female: female
what is your zodiac sign if known: Aqarious
what would you like to see on this page: you did great
how did you find this page: in the profile listings for wbs
i have taken the time to visit your site will you take the time to visit mine? by the way I liked it so much I added it to my favorite places list. You did a great job!!!!!! I'm just learning about this stuff and got into it to help build my home based business.

dtrain - 05/27/98 06:18:54
what did you like best about this page: nice mix of pics
are you male or female: male
what is your zodiac sign if known: Sagit
what would you like to see on this page: More nudity

Bennii - 04/24/98 01:54:17
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/b/e/n/bennii.html
My Email:Bennii@Hotmail.com
what did you like best about this page: Variety is good
what did you like least: Spelling
are you male or female: Male
what is your zodiac sign if known: Sagittarius
what would you like to see on this page: You Nude!!
how did you find this page: You told me to look at it!!
Hi Citrine, Hope to see my homepage on yours soon!! Bennii

Mica - 04/16/98 01:41:54
what did you like best about this page: The lake applet was wonderful and of course the super-imposed pics
are you male or female: male
what would you like to see on this page: A Dancing Bear
how did you find this page: Word Of Mouth
Nancy each time you design a page there is always something new and fresh to see. I can only wait in anticipation to see the efforts of your next project...Truely,Madly Mica

DARRS - 04/14/98 05:24:17
My Email:bobpo@hotmail.com
what did you like best about this page: your openness.. flow of pictures.. creativity..
are you male or female: male
what is your zodiac sign if known: virgo
what would you like to see on this page: table top dancers..
how did you find this page: met you in B & G and checked page .. came back later to sign..
your opening comments set the mood to enjoy the page.. many people think they already know .. you said you like to listen and learn from others. that is where it happens.. we learn from each other. great page. great taste in music.. thank you..

Phoenix Fireblade (aka Greymane) - 04/14/98 03:26:59
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~greymane/
My Email:greymane@earthdome.com
what did you like best about this page: The Midi's
what did you like least: N/A
are you male or female: male
what is your zodiac sign if known: Leo
what would you like to see on this page: dont know right now.
how did you find this page: from you
i liked the page, *HUG*, very intersting, especially the midi's.

Randy - 03/11/98 03:41:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Horizon/5091
My Email:web-guy@bigfoot.com
what did you like best about this page: I love your song you chose and all your pictures
what did you like least: loved it all
are you male or female: Male
what is your zodiac sign if known: Leo
how did you find this page: Your icq
Geat Page loved it

BRICCONE - 03/09/98 06:53:38
what did you like best about this page: EVERYTHING
are you male or female: MALE
what is your zodiac sign if known: TAURUS
what would you like to see on this page: MORE BOUT ME*L*
how did you find this page: YOU TOLD ME SILLY

todd - 03/03/98 03:25:09
My Email:todd_scho@hotmail.com
what did you like best about this page: hard to say
what did you like least: nothing
are you male or female: male
what is your zodiac sign if known: libra
how did you find this page: you told me
Well i like it alot you did a great job on it and i love the sond the Dance it makes the page even better

willowine - 03/02/98 06:03:12
My Email:willowine@hotmail.com

southernwine - 03/02/98 05:59:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Academy/3369/
My Email:southernwine@hotmail.com
what did you like best about this page: the music
what did you like least: loading time
are you male or female: female
what is your zodiac sign if known: scorpio
what would you like to see on this page: more men's pic's *eg*
Nancy, *hug* This page looks super!! I love it!!*s* You know girlfriend, we have been friends now for about a year and seems every day we STILL find something to laugh about. I thought when we met in real life that things would probably never be the same..well they ar n't..*LOL* ..we just got closer!! I felt we had known each other for years!! Anyone on this net that thinks people are different in real life than here are NUTS!!!..YOUR just as crazy and fun loving as you are here!! I will never forget us running into th t moving car and you screaming "BOOK IT" as we left the scene of the accident on two wheels. And to think Ho though Wine was bad..*LMAO*..He has to meet Citrine!!! heheheee..Anyway, love you bunchs and can't wait to see you again..*hugs* to my sweet and c azy evil twin all the good luck and love I can give to you...your going to need it..*EG* Wine..*s*

Ravinwood but call me The Ravin One - 03/02/98 03:22:11
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/r/a/v/ravinwood.html
My Email:ravinwood@hotmail.com
what did you like best about this page: can't put my finger on it just yet but i'll let you know *EV* it's great
what did you like least: ("*_*") no ravin
are you male or female: i'm a male unless they lied to me all this time
what is your zodiac sign if known: sagittarius
what would you like to see on this page: i bet you realy would like to know ("*_*")
how did you find this page: i opened my eyes and saw it
well me and and my friends (dr. ben dover, amanda hugankiss, homer sectual, and eye p freely) observed the topics, and came to the conclusion: that in order to make this the perfect page you need two things. one is .... and second is a pic of me!!!!! (" _*")

Professor Garbanzo - 03/02/98 01:58:50
My Email:maat@gearhigher.com
what did you like best about this page: Pictures of the CyberFamily
what did you like least: The loading-time.
what is your zodiac sign if known: Pisces (with much Virgo influence...)
what would you like to see on this page: My little Proffy pic.
how did you find this page: You gave me the URL.
Teriffic page, dear! Let me know when you make updates, and I'll be back! I look forward to chatting with you again.

timbit00 - 03/01/98 04:53:53

little darter - 02/28/98 08:23:27
My Email:little.darter@usa.net
are you male or female: male
what is your zodiac sign if known: Taurus
how did you find this page: After chatting on wbs B&G

LOAKON - 02/28/98 06:58:21
My Email:firstman@bigfoot.com
are you male or female: male i hope
what is your zodiac sign if known: libra
how did you find this page: saw you n bar
cool page

Darlene - 02/28/98 05:39:29
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Darlene_M/index.html
are you male or female: Female
what is your zodiac sign if known: Leo
how did you find this page: Nice Page
I am also a Big Fan of Lorrie's, It must have been cool to be at her moms place, I have met Lorrie several time and I think she is the greatest!!!....I have also spoken to her mom several times!!!!!! real nice lady!

mascho - 02/24/98 17:13:38
My Email:logbridge@hotmail.com
what did you like best about this page: i don't know. the music and the pic's.
are you male or female: female, last time todd looked. *EG*
what is your zodiac sign if known: capricon (sp?)
how did you find this page: you and todd told me about it
god this is a good page.. and that song always bring tears to my eyes.. your little boy is so cute.. huggs.. jenn your partner in crime

Daisy - 02/23/98 00:31:58
My Email:mbbrooks@gte.net
What a GREAT HOMEPAGE... you did a fantastic job.. will come back.. have bookmarked.. love the music..! HUGS... Thanks for telling me about it..! Daisy/Beth

Feeble Old Chief - 02/22/98 23:42:02
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/f/e/e/feebleoldchief.html
My Email:cwo@airmail.net
what did you like best about this page: Loved it all!
are you male or female: Chief am a Male
what is your zodiac sign if known: *raised eyebrows* Chief don't have one of those type of cars...
what would you like to see on this page: Everything that I have already seen.
how did you find this page: crazy squaw sent me a link...
Great Job Citrine!!! Love it! It's really cool! cya soon! *hugz* FOC

garwen - 02/19/98 18:59:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Chamber/7559/index.html
My Email:krisbeck@attworldnet.net
what did you like best about this page: the pictures
are you male or female: female
what is your zodiac sign if known: cancer
what would you like to see on this page: more stuff
how did you find this page: my granny did it*LOL*
a good start will be checking back to see what else...wow i didn't know you were into so much stuff*S*

golden orchid - 02/19/98 18:52:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Chamber/6237/index.html
My Email:orchid@mail.coos.or.us
what did you like best about this page: it has a good start
are you male or female: female
what is your zodiac sign if known: double scorpio
what would you like to see on this page: lots of people looking at it and signing the guest book
how did you find this page: I am still in the process of creating it
Citrine, doing this page for you is a great pleasure and there is much still to be done, I truely hope you enjoy it as much as I am working on it

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