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Dance Ettiquite
 - Line
 - Partner
 - Two-step
 - Swing

Dance Ettiquite

There are no set rules to follow when dancing, but there are a bunch of different conventions that dancers should try and follow as best as possible. This way everyone can have an enjoyable time, after all, this is supposed to be FUN!

Here's a diagram of the dancefloor. Click on a part of the dancefloor to go to ettiquite for dancing in that area, or use the text links below to go directly to the ettiquite. You can also just scroll down and read the tips.

Diagram of Dancefloor

[General] - [Line] - [Swing/Stationary] - [Partner] - [Two-step]

Stationary Dances: Line and Swing Slow-Moving Dances: Partner Fast-Moving Dances: Two-Step

General Ettiquite

Watch out for other dancers as much as possible.

If you accidentally hit someone, it's always nice to apologize, even if you don't think it was your fault.

The general breakup of the floor is stationary and slow dances toward the center and faster-moving dances toward the outside.

Use common sense and have FUN!

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Line Dancers

Line dancers should dance in the center of the floor.

Start doing unpopular/unknown dances slightly off to the side to allow for the more popular dances in the center. This will avoid confusion for those who don't know what dance you are doing. It also leaves more room for people to try and join you to learn the dance while you are doing it!

Leave room towards all edges of the dancefloor to be curtious to those couples dancing around the center.

If possible, leave room near the sides for those doing stationary dances.

When going out onto the dancefloor, try not to cut in between dancers in the outer rings. If the whole floor is full, try and get through as quickly as possible to avoid a collision!

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Swing and Stationary Dancers

Swing and stationary dancers should dance next to the line dancers in the center of the floor, trying to stay near the corners or edges.

If there are no line dancers, it's ok to dance in the middle, but watch out for anyone else that may come in center.

Allow enough room for others around you to dance and make sure you have enough room so you don't hit anyone.

Watch out for dancers in the outer rings when you are entering the center.

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Partner Dancers

Partner dances go around the center of the floor.

Slower moving partner dances should stay more toward the inner ring, while faster dances should stay toward the outside.

Try to leave enough room for line dancers in the center and two-steppers on the extreme outer edge.

If you see that a line dancer would like to get to the center and there's no room for them to do so, try and create a temporary gap to allow them room to get through. That way no one gets hit!

Start different partner dances on opposite sides of the floor to hopefully avoid collisions as they work themselves around.

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Two-steppers get the outside ring because they usually dance the fastest around the circle.

Use the entire floor, including the corners so the dance space is maximaixed.

Watch out for anyone in your way and try to go around them. The edge of the floor often gets crowded!

Before starting, wait until there's enough of a gap so dancers don't have to avoid you.

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