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Dance Ettiquite
 - Line
 - Partner
 - Two-step
 - Swing


The site is broken up into the 4 major types of country dances commonly used today.

The line dancing section features many popular dances being used today. Each page has the description of the dance steps along with author information and suggested music. There is also a printer version of every dance so you can easily print out the instructions to try out away from your computer.

The partner dance section features several partner dances. In much the same way as the line dances, each has the steps for the man and the woman. Printer-friendly versions are also included.

The two-step section has instructions on how to do the basic two-step moves.

The east-coast swing section has instructions on how to do the basic steps for east-coast swing.

The ettiquite page holds information on popular conventions and the layout of the dancefloor.

If you have any questions or comments about the site, please email the webmaster.

© 1999 5678! Country Dance Information and Instruction