The One
I Love
I knew and I
hoped that you'd come along,
I wished and
I prayed and I had to be strong.
There are powers
that be, if only we listen,
When I saw you,
I knew what I was missin'.
After all these
long and frustrating years,
I'll be from
Hoy, if you see any tears.
With you around
I feel so inspired,
As far as I'm
concerened, Youre hired!
Now is the moment,
I just kinda know,
To enjoy our
spring watching the flowers grow.
Let me express
in this heart felt rhyme,
That I thank
god for you, It's about time.
What I'm saying,
I'm sure you can see,
This is the
way it ought to be.
Our times too
short for confusion and strife,
I'm closer to
heaven with you in my life.
I'll be your
angel and you be mine,
We found the
right path and we'll be fine.
Written by:
Trudy Kalmbach 1994
As I sit here
at night,
I see your face
in my thoughts
Your eyes are
a thousand twinkling stars high above
Your lips are
the caress of a gentle spring breeze
When I walk
on the grass wet with dew,
I am reminded
of your beauty in you.
Surpassed only
by your wit and personality
When I gently
touch a swaying tree,
I feel your
soft cands caressing me.
I then realize
I am a lucky Gal
For the Man
I love is truly an angel from above
Body and Soul
He is a breah of spring in an otherwise
Dreary World
And I love Him
Written By: Trudy
Kalmbach 1992