Last revised: January 19, 2002.

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0111.04 - My dear little man of the house, Max, has passed away. He died just after midnight on the 1st of November, the vet said of kidney failure---how do I know?---well, I believe that he woke me up that night as he came home one last time as he was leaving. No more Maximillian Von Westby, born of two purebred show dogs, his father Von Westby, was a champion Schipperke. Max, so smart, so good and so like a little person, was a very important member of our family for just over 12 years. Now he has left us, to the day exactly two years after Peter passed away. I imagine that he is taking long walks with Peter and enjoying spending time with his adopted Dad, as Peter was as close as he had to that.

Max(5yrs old) and Roxanne(when she was new).
We will always miss and love you, Max!

Please, take care. I will be thinking of you and praying for your safety.
Love Always,

0109.16 - If they want to talk about desecration of holy land, then I will tell you that the attacks that have taken place on the citizens of the US are nothing short of desecration of the holiest of lands--a land of the free, one nation, under God, indivisble, with liberty and justice for all---as we were meant to be. They have underestimated our resolve. They think we our hands are tied by political correctness and world public opinion. They are wrong. The American people will stand and the terrorists who hate America will be crushed--yes, there will be innocent civilian casualties as we accomplish victory in this war and as it is in any war, and our people must be ready for that---but as we steal ourselves for that, think of the people who ceased to exist in this country on September 11, 2001, think of the people who hate us, America, celebrating and dancing in the streets about the terrible loss of life in our country. War is hell and when a free, peaceful people such as we are forced into it, then it is that hellish result that will make our enemies hesitate to force us ever again to wage war.

Those who stand against us in the world must learn this lesson again, as they did in WWII, but, the world has forgotten---now, we must remind them.

Please, take care--I will be thinking of you all and praying for your safety.
Love Always,



Something to think about:

From the Commander in Chief
President Bush, meeting yesterday with his top national security advisers at Camp David, vowed to do "whatever it takes" to find and punish the terrorists who attacked New York's World Trade Center and the Pentagon on Tuesday.
     "We are planning a broad and sustained campaign to secure our country and eradicate the evil of terrorism," the president said in his weekly radio address to the nation. "I will not settle for a token act. Our response must be sweeping, sustained and effective."
     Later, Mr. Bush said the U.S. military response will be relentless and unlike other efforts to capture or kill bin Laden, whom the president yesterday named for the first time as the "prime suspect."
     "We will find those who did this. We will smoke them out of their holes. We will get them running and we'll get them," he said.
     Mr. Bush met yesterday with Vice President Richard B. Cheney, Secretary of State Colin Powell and National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice to discuss strategy.
     Mr. Bush warned that the campaign to eradicate terrorism will be neither short nor easy, telling Americans that the war will entail sacrifice from all.
     "Victory against terrorism will not take place in a single battle, but in a series of decisive actions against terrorist organizations and those who harbor and support them." The president said Americans will need patience, resolve and strength "because the course to victory may be long."
     While he said the United States is "at war," he said the country's response will not be rushed.
     "This is a conflict without battlefields or beachheads, a conflict with opponents who believe they are invisible. Yet, they are mistaken. They will be exposed, and they will discover what others in the past have learned: Those who make war against the United States have chosen their own destruction," he said.
     Meanwhile, the U.S. military stepped up preparations for war. A U.S. guided missile cruiser, the Cowpens, left for an undisclosed destination and two tankers were ordered to take 235,000 barrels of marine diesel fuel to Diego Garcia, the U.S. military base in the Indian Ocean. B-52 bombers capable of launching cruise missiles are believed to have been deployed there.
     Another tanker was scheduled to deliver 28,000 tons of aviation fuel from Greece to southern Spain, including one base used by U.S. Air Force tanker aircraft to refuel bombers crossing the Atlantic during the Kosovo conflict.
     Two carrier task forces are already in the Middle East, where there are more than 30,000 servicemen, including the 1st Infantry Division, which is on exercise in Kuwait, where 500 Abrams tanks are also based. The USS Enterprise, which was scheduled to return home after being relieved earlier this month by the USS Carl Vinson, has been ordered to remain in the area indefinitely, Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Vern Clark told the Associated Press.
     Bush spokesman Ari Fleischer said no military action -- including deployment of ground troops -- has been ruled out as the administration weighs its response to the worst terrorist attack ever on the United States. Asked whether options included nuclear weapons, Mr. Fleischer said he had been talking about ground troops when he said no option had been ruled out.
     Still, he did not say nuclear weapons had been ruled out.
     Americans have moved steadily from shock to grief to anger since the attack Tuesday. A new poll released yesterday showed 71 percent of Americans want the U.S. military to strike against terrorist bases and the countries that support them even if civilians may accidentally be killed.
     The Newsweek poll also shows 89 percent approve of Mr. Bush's handling of the crisis -- and his vow to make terrorists pay. President Franklin D. Roosevelt's approval rating after Pearl Harbor was 84 percent.
      In a development that will greatly aid in the U.S. hunt for bin Laden, Pakistan agreed not only to allow use of its airspace, but said a multinational force can stage in the country if needed. In addition, Pakistan agreed to close its border with Afghanistan, shut off fuel supplies to its neighbor, and cooperate in intelligence gathering.
     Pakistan's agreement was conveyed by President Pervez Musharraf in a meeting with U.S. Ambassador Wendy Chamberlain.
     "We put before the Pakistani government a specific list of things we would like cooperation on, and they've agreed to those items," said Mr. Powell, who did not elaborate.
     Pakistan said it would comply with U.N. Security Council resolutions on the terror attacks. "The government will discharge its responsibilities under international law," Foreign Minister Abdul Sattar said, although he added that he did not anticipate his country taking part in any military operation.
     The Bush administration has signaled to Arab and Islamic states the attack against the United States requires them to choose sides, and the White House has been blunt in threatening they risk diplomatic and economic isolation if they do not back the United States.
     "I think every civilized nation in the world recognizes that this was an assault not just against the United States, but against civilization," Mr. Powell said.
     While India announced it is willing to let the United States use its military facilities and provide a base for a large U.S. military operation, U.S. jets would still have to pass through Pakistani airspace to reach Afghanistan.
     Pakistan has shielded bin Laden in the past and refused to expel him when he was in that country. But worldwide pressure has changed the situation as U.S. allies talk tough about the Saudi-born militant, who is now believed to be based in Afghanistan under the protection of its radical Islamic government, the Taliban.
     "There is no question he is what we would call a prime suspect," Mr. Bush said yesterday. "And if he thinks he can hide and run from the United States and our allies, he will be sorely mistaken."
     Frightened Afghans continued to flee the country, many into neighboring Pakistan. Iranian leaders announced yesterday it was sealing its border with Afghanistan.

2001.0421- Hello all! Miss you all very much. I have been very busy lately, but I am taking a couple minutes to put this online. I have a very special request. Ma-ma Audrey (Mrs. Audrey Lentz) had to go in the

  We love you, Ma-ma Audrey!!
Rhonda & Wendy

hospital last week and while there, they found that she had cancer. They are going to operate and try to get all of it. Please, take a minute to say a prayer for her. Prayer works, even when you do it for someone you may not know personally or be in touch with---even if they don't know that you are praying for them. I guess this is a selfish request in that she is my Ma-ma Audrey and I want her to be ok, but that is what I want and so would you. She is a great lady who is an inspiration to me---so feisty and so strong all her life. Just doesn't seem right to me, so please, take a couple minutes of your time to help. If you have any requests, just send them to me. I will gladly contribute a few minutes of my time to return the favor.

I will update my page again soon, when I have a little more time. Will be underway next week for training, but will be back afterwards, so send me email to my normal email address or to the shortcut to email on this page.

Thanks for visiting.

Please, take care--I will be thinking of you all.
Love Always,

0102.24 - My Great-grandmother Taylor, Mrs. Mae Bell Taylor passed away this evening after being in critical condition with infection and pneumonia. I make this posting to the internet today in tribute and out of respect to one of the finest, most inspiring women that I have ever had the privilege to know and honor to be related to, Great-grandmother Taylor.

We will miss you very much.

I love you, Great-grandmother, and always will!

I have also posted in tribute a copy of the Vietnam Veterans Chapter 470 salute to someone who meant a lot to me and whom I will miss dearly, Mr. Joe "Larry" Herrmann---- Pa! (click here)

Thanks for visiting.

Please, take care--I will be thinking of you all.
Love Always,

0101.14 -- Well, to say that I am extremely disappointed about the beating the Vikings received today from New York would be a great understatement. I guess if they did have to lose to a team, New York is a good one for this year. If they win the Super Bowl, and personally, I hope they do, that will mean that New York teams took it all, at least in the only two sports that count--baseball and football. It may just be a New York year. I liked what their owner said about New York, "They said we were the worst New York team to ever get into the championship's especially to play with home team advantage. Now we are the worst team to have ever won the NFC Championship and next we are going to become the worst team to have ever won the Super Bowl!" He is a crusty old man and I liked his New York accent when he said it. Well, I guess this is just my way of rationalizing my Vikings losing and not really facing up to it. I am really out of it on football now. Very, very disappointed over the past few years. Maybe I will just stop paying attention to it at all. Seems like it has been a waste of time and it isn't much fun now that Kelly isn't in the area to watch the games with me. :-( I am going to go bury my head and mourn for the team.

--If you want to read some of my latest "out gassing"(LOL) read on down the page in the Something to think about section.

-- I have these new pages on my site--they aren't brand new anymore, so if you have been there only the Patriotism page has probably been updated since the last time you looked.
Email ideas and Patriotism. The easiest way to tell if a page has been updated of course is just go to the page and looked at the the littel "Last updated" blurb on each page and if the date has not changed since you last looked at it---it is still the same. Also, I am trying to put the little updated symbol next to pages I have updated recently up in the site 'Navigation' box. I will try to put dates up there also to make it faster and easier to know where to go to see something new.
Well, got to run and catch the game!!!

Please, take care--I will be thinking of you all.
Love Always,
~~'~,~'~<(@) Rhonda (@)>'~,~'~~

Something to think about:

--It is hardly believable that the Democrats are going to be so partisan as to oppose Senator Ashcroft due to his philosophical and religious beliefs.  The Senate is not supposed to threaten to not confirm a "cabinet nomination" based on the philosophical or political or religious beliefs---they are tasked only to ensure the cabinet member selected by the President is of good character and otherwise eligible to fill a cabinet position.  It is outrageous for them to think that Bush is going to make up his cabinet---his brain trust that will advise him and run the departments that they are appointed to head if there is one---with people who are philosophically opposed to him, i.e. non-conservatives.  The Democrats that he did offer spots to refused them, and Bill Clinton certainly was never expected to fill spots with persons opposed to his political beliefs. I remind you that this whole idea that Bush did "not" recieve a mandate from the people is hogwash---Clinton was never told he had no mandate and he received less votes than GWB or the guy that lost to GW, Vice-president Gore, and he certainly never carried as many states as GWB did. 
--Watch certain liberal media outlets attempt to make the American people believe that most Americans are against Ashcroft because of his religious and conservative sentiments.  Newsweek already has a pole out saying 60 something % of Americans believe the Senate needs to look into his stands on Affirmative action and on him being Pro-Life.  I do not believe Newsweek's skewed polls anymore---they only poll people who will give them the result the seek.  They are very selective about who they poll and the answers they choose for their poll questions.
--The people of the US are having the greatest propaganda blitz ever performed in history done to them right now---and they are oblivious to it.  What can we do to get this knowledge out to them?  CBS, ABC, NBC, PBS(government supported) --  they all feed us the same commentary, the same opinions---notice I did not say the same "news," because biased and slanted reporting of any kind is no longer news--it is commentary and opinion.  I am ashamed to have to admit that the the BBC is more objective than our proudly free and independent(sic) American Press. I don't know how we can fight against this, but I know that if an effort is not made quickly, the mainstream media(ABC,NBC,CBS, PBS) will have people who practice religious faith, especially Christians, branded as fanatics each and every one in this country that was founded as an openly Christian nation under God.
--It was the founding fathers, not John Ashcroft who first said we bow our knee to no man, but to God only, who is our king.  (see
Ashcroft-Fox News for full story)
--It is not up to the government to fix this--we citizens have to fix it.  We better not wait too long.
--Well, sorry to have taken up so much of your time.  Hope I didn't give you a headache.

Sincerely Yours,


Happy Thanksgiving to friends & Family,

Something to think about:

"The year that is drawing toward its close has been filled  with the  blessings of fruitful years and healthful skies... no human counsel hath devised nor hath any mortal hand worked out these great things.  They are the gracious gifts of the Most High God, who while dealing with us in anger for our sins, hath nevertheless remembered mercy. It has seemed to me fit and proper that they should be solemnly, reverently, and gratefully acknowledged, as with one heart and one voice, by the whole American people.  I do therefore invite my fellow-citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe. a day of Thanksgiving and praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens and [to] fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty Hand to heal the wounds of the nation and restore it, as soon as may be consistent with the Divine Purposes, to the full enjoyment of peace, harmony, tranquility, and union."

Proclamation of Thanksgiving 1863
-By President Abraham Lincoln

I urge you all to check out the writing of Mr. Walter Williams titled "Majority rule equals tyranny"(click here.)

I will be so glad to be home,
just in time for Christmas holiday leave & headed for Alabama.

0011.25 -- Well, it is true that I had (and have) a lot to say after the Presidential election, but I guess it was not what any of us could have predicted. Hopefully by this time next week, it will all be over with. I think a lot of us Americans are just fed up with all this and would like to see it resolved reaonably and honorably. And, since our European friends want to liken us to Forest Gump because of this close election with all its legal maneuvering(boy, do they have some nerve!), I just want to say "That's all I've got to say about that." ;-)
--- I am still going back and forth betwween VA Beach and Dahlgren for AEGIS school up there. Please, continue to send your email to me at until I can get back down here and to work. Hopefully this will be the last week I spend up there.
--- Also, in case you haven't heard, my orders have been changed. I am now going to DDG 72, the USS MAHAN, and I will be going to do the job as the Weapons Officer instead of the Operations Officer. Now that I have gotten used to the idea, I really think that I will enjoy doing that even more. In fact, back when I was initially talking to the Department Head detailer, I had actually asked for just such a position, but did not take the opening that was available for it because it was on a ship on the West Coast. Of course, the only negative here is that for all the time I was in Newport and headed to the ship, I have been preparing to be Ops and not Weps. Oh, well, just like the Navy has always done, throwing me into a job that maybe I have little or no experience at, I will get my hands around it and do the best job possible! It is a technically oriented type job and I think that will make me even more interested in what I am doing.

--If you haven't yet, please, check out the couple of new pages on my site:
Email ideas and Patriotism. Please, take care--I will be thinking of you all.

Love Always,

~~'~,~'~<(@) Rhonda (@)>'~,~'~~


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