about me |
This is the color of passion. I will use it to try to describe my life, my love, my soulmate, Bill. He is the be all and end all of everything in my life. Without him, I don't think I could breathe. |
Hi there! I'm Dixie. On this page I have placed pictures of the people closest to my heart. They are all a huge part of my life. I hope you enjoy this page as it is my first and i'm nervous about the feedback I am going to receive.
E-mail me at: DesertRose41@hotmail.com |
These are our two lovely girls, Jessica and Amanda. They are the biggest miracle and accomplishment in my life. Even when they drive me craaaaazzzzzyyyy!!!!! LOL |
From left to right: My dad, Terry...My little brother, Shannon......My big brother, Dale. The first men in my life....they have prepared me well for dealing with men in general and getting my way from them.....hehehehehehehe |
My little sis: Chrissy. Folks, when she comes in the room, ya better look out! I never know what she'll do next and often find myself waiting for it in anxious anticipation of it. LOL |
Martha Lee...my coffee bud and best friend. I don't know what I would do if she were not just across the street from me. A truly amazing and wonderful person to have the pleasure of knowing. |
Anna: My own version of the famous Dear Abby: A true blue friend in the midst of all that is evil in this world. |
Cindy, another best friend. Together, we are Missouri's definition of "Thelma & Louise". We help each other muddle through the stresses of everyday life regarding men and children. |