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Merle Haggard's Box Sets Discography

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Merle Haggard's
Box Sets Discography

Click on the thumbnails to see a larger version of the picture.
Click on the Disk # to see the track listings.

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Bear Family Records - Untamed Hawk - Released 1995

This box set contains all of Merle's recordings from Tally and Capitol from 1962 to 1968. This 5 CD set includes, the original releases, alternate takes, unreleased material as well as studio chatter. The front picture of the disc is followed by the picture posted on the inside of each disc.

 Disk 1                                   Disk 2

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Disk 3                                  Disk 4

/Nashville/Opry/1294/b157443t.jpg (12014 bytes) /b157443backt.jpg (11940 bytes)     b157444t.jpg (11893 bytes) b157444backt.jpg (10320 bytes)


Disk 5

    /Nashville/Opry/1294/b157445t.jpg (9110 bytes) b157445backt.jpg (8500 bytes)


/Nashville/Opry/1294/c35711boxt.jpg (6882 bytes)

Capitol Records - Down Every Road - Released 1996

This Capitol Records 4 Disk Set actually includes songs from all the labels Merle has recorded for. There are some unreleased material that wasn't covered in the Bear Set. The Disks in this box set had some interesting and varied pictures too. In addition to the front pictures, the discs had inside and back pictures, all are included below.


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    front                       inside                   back



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     front                       inside                   back



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  front                       inside                   back



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        front                       inside                   back



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front           back


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This page was last updated 09/08/00


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Please note: This is a website for fans by fans.

Be sure to visit the official Merle Haggard website at http://www.merlehaggard.com
and the official Bonnie Owens website at http://www.bonnieowens.com