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Merle Haggard's Discography of Special Market Releases

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Some of these items labeled as Special Market Releases may not be considered Special Market Releases by the record company that released them. Any album released by Merle while he was still with a record company, we consider as part of his discography for that label. Any album released after he was no longer with that label we consider a Special Market Release unless it contains primarialy new or unreleased material.

All albums released by an artist is part of that artist's discography. Because of the amount of material released on Merle it would be impossible to list it all together. That is why I've chosen to put it into smaller, more managable catagories, ie:Capitol, MCA, Epic, Curb, Special Market Releases, etc.

While at Tally records Merle had 4 charted hits, at Capitol he had 46 with at least 27 going to #1, at MCA he had 20 charted hits with at least 1 going to #1, at Epic he had 30 charted hits with at least 12 going to #1, and at curb he's only had 1 charted hit. Charted hits usually are over represented on Special Market and Misc. Releases.

Merle has done several guest and ghost appearances on other artists albums and records, through this venue he has garnered at least another 7 charted records with one of them going to #1, Barroom Buddies with Clint Eastwood on Elektra Records, however it is rare that these songs end up on Special Market and Misc. Releases.

 Please click on the thumbnails to view the larger image.

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Please click on the album # to view the track listing.


Capitol Special Market Releases

Album # Title Year Released
SLB-8137 Merle Haggard Salutes The Greats  
XL-8354 The Legendary Merle Haggard 1983
SC-1046 Haggard Country 1984
XL-9010 A Country Christmas With Merle Haggard 1984
XL-9028 Sing Me Back Home 1984
XL-9207 All Time Haggard Favorites 1985
XL-9290 The Family Bible 1985
PDK2-1193 Country Boy 1988
CDL-57246 Okie From Muskogee 1989
SL-57246 The Legendary Merle Haggard 1990
93191 Capitol Collectors Series 1990
8-33838-4-9 Vintage Collections 1996



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Please click on the album # to view the track listing.


MCA Special Market Releases

Album # Title Year Released
5386 Merle Haggards Greatest Hits 1982  
5573 His Best 1985  
5624 His Greatest And His Best 1989  
5698 Songwriter        1989  
29787 What A Friend We Have In Jesus 1981  
20304 It's Been A Great Afternoon 1986  
20305 I Think I'll Just Stay Here And Drink 1986  
20621 The Best Of Merle Haggard 1992  
22027 I Think I'll Just Stay Here And Drink  


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Please click on the album # to view the track listing.


Epic Special Market Releases

Album # Title Year Released
46925 Greatest Hits Of The 80's 1990
53310 Super Hits 1993
66772 Super Hits Vol. 2 1994
67127 Super Hits Vol. 3 1995
65376 Super Hits 3 Pak 1997

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This page was last updated 09/08/00


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Please note: This is a website for fans by fans.

Be sure to visit the official Merle Haggard website at http://www.merlehaggard.com
and the official Bonnie Owens website at http://www.bonnieowens.com