Our Mission
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Copyright 1999

The purpose of this page is not to insult or degrade Shania, LeAnn, or Mindy. In fact, it really is not about them at all. The purpose is, rather, to get the message out to advertisers, concert promotors, producers, and record companies that they are about to cross a line in creating images for their performers that do women a disservice. These 3 women are merely examples of what is happening in the music business today - sex appeal has become just as important in selling albums as the songs and talent are. This is not fair to anyone, especially the performer.

We see how things are in the industry today, and we want change. NOW. Make note though, that this site does not ever question the moral character of the examples featured, it does not ever comment about their personal and private lives, it never says anything about what kind of people they are on or off the stage - it merely uses their clothing as examples that the recoding industry is going to far by letting/asking/telling women to degrade themselves and women everywhere. This is about the music industry and so-called "big-business!"

Learn More!

Read "The Changing Image of Women in Country Music: From a Coal Miner's Daughter to the Woman in Me", a research paper/article written by a founding member of PACT about the history of women's roles and images in country music over the years.

What You Can Do!

To see a change, we HAVE to let the people in charge know that we're unhappy. Write to CMT, Mercury-Polygram Records, RCA Records, and Curb Records at the addresses below, and tell them they MUST change their marketing tactics on behalf of women everywhere!

Curb Records, Inc.
47 Music Square East
Nashville, TN 37203

Country Music Television
CBS Television Networks Group
51 West 52nd St. F135
New York, NY 10019

Mercury Nashville/Polygram
66 Music Square West
Nashville, TN 37203

BNA Records
C/O BMG Entertainment
1540 Broadway
New York, NY 10036

You CAN make a difference!