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Moving On!!

Choreographed by: Kevin S. Ward, Massena, NY (315)-769-1064

Music: Movin' On by the Rankins from the CD Uprooted 80 count, Beginner, Contra Line Dance 1-8 Vine Right, Scuff, Vine Left, Scuff 1-2 Step R foot to R side, Step L foot behind R 3-4 Step R foot to R side, Scuff L foot next to R 5-6 Step L foot to L side, Step R foot behind L 7-8 Step L foot to L side, Scuff R foot next to L 9-16 Shuffle Forward R,L,R, Shuffle Forward L,R,L, Kick-Ball-Change x 2 1&2 Step R foot forward, Step L foot next to R, Step R foot forward 3&4 Step L foot forward, Step R foot next to L, Step L foot forward 5&6 Kick R foot forward, Step on ball of R foot, Step L foot in place 7&8 Kick R foot forward, Step on ball of R foot, Step L foot in place At the end of this eight counts each set of 2 lines should be in a straight line with every other dancer facing the opposite direction. 17-24 Step, Scuffs making 1/2 turn to the Right 1-2 Step R foot 1/8 turn to R, Scuff L foot next to R 3-4 Step L foot 1/8 turn to R, Scuff R foot next to L 5-6 Step R foot 1/8 turn to R, Scuff L foot next to R 7-8 Step L foot 1/8 turn to R, Scuff R foot next to L 25-32 Shuffle Forward R,L,R, Shuffle Forward L,R,L, Rock Steps 1&2 Step R foot forward, Step L foot next to R, Step R foot forward 3&4 Step L foot forward, Step R foot next to L, Step L foot forward 5-6 Rock Step R foot forward, Rock Back on L 7-8 Rock Step R foot Back, Recover on L 33-40 Step Pivot 1/2 turn Left, Rock Steps, Coaster Step, Step, Touch 1-2 Step R foot forward, Pivot 1/2 turn L 3-4 Rock Step R foot forward, Recover on L 5&6 Step R foot back, Step Left foot next to R, step R foot forward 7-8 Step L foot forward, Step R foot next to L Mirror Of Counts 1-40 41-48 Vine Left, Scuff, Vine Right, Scuff 1-2 Step L foot to L side, Step R foot behind L 3-4 Step L foot to L side, Scuff R foot next to L 5-6 Step R foot to R side, Step L foot behind R 7-8 Step R foot to R side, Scuff L foot next to R 49-56 Shuffle Forward L,R,L, Shuffle Forward R,L,R, Kick-Ball-Change x 2 1&2 Step L foot forward, Step R foot next to L, Step L foot forward 3&4 Step R foot forward, Step L foot next to R, Step R foot forward 5&6 Kick L foot forward, Step on ball of L foot, Step R foot in place 7&8 Kick L foot forward, Step on ball of L foot, Step R foot in place 57-64 Step, Scuffs making 1/2 turn to the Left 1-2 Step L foot 1/8 turn to L, Scuff R foot next to L 3-4 Step R foot 1/8 turn to L, Scuff L foot next to R 5-6 Step L foot 1/8 turn to L, Scuff R foot next to L 7-8 Step R foot 1/8 turn to L, Scuff L foot next to R 65-72 Shuffle Forward L,R,L, Shuffle Forward R,L,R, Rock Steps 1&2 Step L foot forward, Step R foot next to L, Step L foot forward 3&4 Step R foot forward, Step L foot next to R, Step R foot forward 5-6 Rock Step L foot forward, Rock Back on R 7-8 Rock Step L foot Back, Recover on R 73-80 Step Pivot 1/2 turn Right, Rock Steps, Coaster Step, Step, Step 1-2 Step L foot forward, Pivot 1/2 turn R 3-4 Rock Step L foot forward, Recover on R 5&6 Step L foot back, Step R foot next to L, step L foot forward 7-8 Step R foot forward, Step L foot next to R Begin Again...... Dance should be done in Contra Lines using windows (do not stand directly in front of the dancer facing you). When doing steps 17-24 hold up your right hand and place it against the right hand of the dancer to your right. (On the mirror half of the dance it will be the left hand during counts 57-64). This dance can also be done using two (2) circles. If you have a group big enough you can make 2 circles rather than lines. If you are doing this you will do only the first 39 counts of the dance as written and then change the 40th count to a touch rather than a step. Then start over on count 1. Doing the dance this way will allow the dancers to change "partners" around the circle.