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Jel AKA Lookin4acwby ..... AND DONT FORGET TO SIGN THE GUESTBOOK!!!!!!! Please.... Purty Please..... wif sugar on top!!!! DOH!!!! And whipped cream and a cherry!!! heeheehee!!!!



This Is Lookin4acwby, also known as Angele or Jel! I have moved to the great state of TX. iffin yer cute, and tall, and cowboy, and in the DFW area..... LOOK ME UP!


This is a POWERFUL poem I want you all to read! please dont make the same mistakes!!!

Through many trials I have learned that friendship is stronger than any problem I may face. I have gone through guy problems, friend problems, even deaths. I am also a great advice giver. If you ever need to talk just email me! I will help in any way I can! Personally, I have talked friends out of committing suicide so nothing can be more challenging than that! Please feel free to talk to me! If y'all want your pics here send them to me and I will put them on here! Oh and I also have a bit of that downhome southern feel to me with that hospitality! If you ever need any help with anything... contact me and I will try to help. Please feel free to explore my site and take anything you want... the only thing I ask is if you take the pictures of the stars or the poems... please credit where they came from. I have grown quite close to some of my net friends... and I think I would both like to credit some of our dear friends. Tandy, Smash, Lika, CA, Risky, Stets, Killa... With out you I would never have been accepted into the ranch. Hellfire, Redneckgrl_61, Forever_Country, Lone, Gidge, Trouble, Wine, Kan: I value your friendship, and will forever remain your friend. As for those of the rest of you... it takes lots of time to become as close as I have to my dearest friends... And I know I have forgotten some... but at this moment they are not in my mind... I am brain dead dont mind me! To Jason, Scott, and Craig: this list could get longer, but you are the important ones: I wish to thank you for teaching the lessons you have, the lesson of Love being the greatest.


whom I have pics of!






Stampede '99

A little Bout Lookin!

A little Bout Hick!


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