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Genuine Country Cream
Born in Honfleur in the county of Bellechasse, Quebec on June 23rd, 1967. Gizele started singing at the age of 5.
At 10 years of age, she appeared for the first time in public. There has been numerous appearances in galas and competitions since.
In 1983, she was hired on in a country band in her region and stayed with the band for 4 years.
She add to quit to terminate her schooling which meant a great deal to her. She did not quit singing however.
In 1992, she won top honors in a talent search which is held annually in the Quebec City area.
In 1993, she recorded her first album entitled " Le gout de vivre "
In 1994, Gizele recorded her second album " Toute la ville en parle " a new style, a new look.
In 1996, she was crowned singer of the year in a country and western gala held annually in Montreal. Not only because of her singing talents but also for what she did for country music. Gizele gave over 100 shows in the provinces of Quebec and Ontario.
In March 1997 she returned to the studio to record her 3rd album " Chacun son reve "
January 1999, her very first english album will be released.. Prior to it's release I have uploaded samples.Check them out and you too can discover a true jewel.

I have been a fan of hers for three years and I never cease to be amazed and thrilled by her presence on stage. But most important of all by her warmth and kindness towards her fans.
I will attempt to show you the Gizele Laliberte I know with pictures and her music. Please check out the links below.

Photos of Gizele and the band
Listen to or download their music
Upcoming appearances
My personal photo album of Gizele
To Nashville North Of The Border
This page was updated on February 12, 2004